By imploring Mork for help, a Shaman gives the Greenskin player a chance of re-rolling dice during the remainder of his own turn.
If successfully cast, roll a D3 to determine the number of re-rolls the player can make. Each re-roll entitles the player to take any single D6 (including one of the dice rolled on a 2D6, 3D6, etc) he has rolled and roll it again. Any dice can be re-rolled, but as usual the player cannot re-roll a re-rolled dice. Any re-rolls not used by the end of the turn are wasted.
Cast this on any one of your own units that is in close combat within 24" of the Shaman. The unit can re-roll its armour saves that round. If the unit doesn't get an armour save it gets a 6+ Ward save that round instead.
Cast this on any one of your own units that is in close combat within 18" of the Shaman. The unit strikes first in the next round of close combat and can re-roll any misses that round.
The almighty Foot of Gork stomps down on any one enemy unit on the table. The unit takes D6 Strength 6 hits.
The almighty Gork goes on the warpath - his big clawed feet stompin' over the enemy army. Choose any enemy unit and stomp it as for a Foot of Gork spell. Now choose another enemy unit and roll a dice. On a 1 Gork slips and stomps on one of your own units (the enemy player chooses which). On 2-3 he gets bored and wanders off - ending the spell. On a 4+ he stomps another enemy unit the same way as the first. Each time he stomps on an enemy unit roll a D6 to see what he does next. You can't stomp the same unit twice and Gork always shuffles off embarrassed if he stomps on his own side by mistake.
This spell affects all Orc, Goblin and Snotling units of any type (including Black Orcs, Night Goblins, etc) on the table, provided they could charge the enemy if it was their Movement phase. Pump Wagons are assumed to have a charge move of 12" and a 360° charge arc for this purpose. Affected units will immediately attempt to charge the enemy (whether you want them to or not!). Roll 2D6" for each unit and move it towards the foe. If there is a choice of targets move the unit towards the closest. Any units which move into contact with the enemy count as charging. The enemy are caught by the suddenness of the advance and can only hold they can't stand & shoot, flee, etc. Note that if the enemy cause fear or terror the charge is treated as pursuit into fresh enemy.