Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 6th Edition

Gork's Warpath
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Spell Level 5Casting Value: 10+

The almighty Gork goes on the warpath - his big clawed feet stompin' over the enemy army. Choose any enemy unit and stomp it as for a Foot of Gork spell. Now choose another enemy unit and roll a dice. On a 1 Gork slips and stomps on one of your own units (the enemy player chooses which). On 2-3 he gets bored and wanders off - ending the spell. On a 4+ he stomps another enemy unit the same way as the first. Each time he stomps on an enemy unit roll a D6 to see what he does next. You can't stomp the same unit twice and Gork always shuffles off embarrassed if he stomps on his own side by mistake.