Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 6th Edition

Rod of the Storm
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Arcane Item35 points

An ancient remnant from the time of the Old Ones, this revered artefact can unleash crackling branches of lightning. It is only drawn forth from the inner sanctum of the High Temple of Tlaxtlan in times of direst need, for once it is used its energy dissipates, and it takes some time for it to regain its power.

Bound Spell. Power Level 5. One use only. May be targeted against an enemy unit during the Magic phase. It is a magic missile that inflicts 2D6 automatic Strength 3 hits (Strength 4 if the target has an Armour save of 4+ or better) on one enemy unit within 18". In addition, any unit that suffers wounds from the rod must take an immediate Panic test.