Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 6th Edition

Ogre Club
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Almost every Ogre, be he Bull or Tyrant, carries a club about his person somewhere. These clubs range from simple hardwood boughs to banded, studded and spiked bludgeons as brutal-looking as their wielders.

The reason for the popularity of this ubiquitous weapon is, of course, culinary: clubs and bludgeons are ideal for killing prospective meals without spilling tasty blood all over the place on the journey home. After all, Ogres appreciate succulent meat as much as the next ten-foot killing machine.

Ogre clubs are used to bludgeon and dislocate and, as such, conventional armor offers little protection against them. Many warriors struck by an Ogre club have found their shield arm mangled beyond repair or have their buckled breastplates shatter ribs and damage vital organs even though their armour remains whole. Ogre clubs are hand weapons, but they also impose an extra -1 Save modifier on any Armour save. An Ogre using its club loses this bonus if it is used in conjunction with any other weapon or ironfist.

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