Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 6th Edition

Leadbelcher Cannon
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The portable cannons of the Ogre Leadbelchers are one-shot weapons packed with black powder, sharp metal objects and even second-hand cannon balls. Lit by thick fuses as the Leadbelchers close with their enemies, these weapons make one hell of a noise, and a volley can cut down entire ranks of troops before the Ogres bit home.

Each Leadbelcher cannon fires a number of shots equal to the roll of an Artillery dice at Strength 4. Roll to hit as normal with the exceptions described below. If any misfires are rolled, the Leadbelcher rolled, cannon malfunctions spectacularly (Ogres having been known to hold the cannon the wrong way round, load it with a Gnoblar for a laugh, etc). The Leadbelcher unit takes D6 Strength 4 hits per misfire.

Once a unit of Leadbelchers has opened fire, it may not fire again for the rest of the game unless the Ogre unit spends an entire Ogre turn stationary and out of base to base contact with the enemy (a turn spent rallying also counts). If this is achieved the Leadbelchers have reloaded and may use their cannons once more. This can be done multiple times during a game.

Leadbelchers may both move and fire and stand & shoot with their Leadbelcher cannon. Due to the scattershot nature of the Leadbelcher cannon and the hail of lethal projectiles they launch, they do not count any penalties for moving, for long range or for multiple shots.

Leadbelcher cannons can be used as Ogre clubs in close combat, regardless of whether they are loaded or not.

RangeStrengthSpecial Rules

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