Moving the Screaming Bell
The Screaming Bell is a special chariot ridden by a Grey Seer and must be fielded in a unit of Clanrats or Stormvermin. It cannot move on its own, but depends on the unit of Skaven surrounding it for movement. If the Bell's unit is ten or more models strong, it can move at its normal speed. If the unit suffers casualties and is reduced below the minimum of ten models, the unit loses 1" from its Movement value for every model under ten. So, if there were nine Skaven pushing it, they'd have, a Movement of 4, eight would have a Movement of 3, etc. If the unit is reduced to five or less models, it cannot move any more. The Grey Seer can never voluntarily leave the Bell, nor can the unit pushing it.
The Bell's unit moves as normal, marching, charging and pursuing at normal speed, etc. The Bell must be placed at the front of its unit, and it must be placed as centrally as possible in the unit. The unit's rank bonus is calculated normally, treating the bell as an equivalent number of models (see the diagrams on the right). The Bell's unit cannot move through obstacles and any terrain that is not open terrain.
The Bell's unit is reassured by the presence of the holy artefact and is therefore Immune to Psychology. If the Bell's unit is broken in combat and flees, they abandon the Bell. If this happens, the Bell itself and the striker are automatically destroyed by the enemy, while the Grey Seer abandons the Bell and flees on foot together with the unit that was pushing it. The enemy can pursue the fleeing Skaven unit as normal. Victory points for the Bell are awarded separately from those for the Grey Seer, in the same way as for a ridden monster/chariot.
When casting spells from the Bell, the Grey Seer can measure a spell's range from any point of the Screaming Bell's carriage.