The Steam Tank commander can see all around and over friendly troops, so he can declare a charge against any enemy unit in sight within a 360° arc at the beginning of its move. A charge is a move towards the intended target, and the Tank must charge the side of the enemy it mostly starts the charge in (see the normal rules for charges on page 46 of the Warhammer rulebook). The Tank can charge by pivoting on the spot or even by reversing into an enemy unit if needed. Before moving towards its intended target, the Tank can pivot on the spot to line up with the target and can even move backward before surging forward for the charge to gain more momentum and deal more damage (see diagrams 2a, b and c).
Eg, the Tank charges a unit 2" away on its left flank. It spends one SP to turn towards it, one SP to move backwards and then two SPs to charge 4" forward.

The Tank causes D3 impact hits (in the same way as for a chariot), plus D3 for each full 3" moved straight towards its intended target during its charge move.
The Steam Tank can freely move out of close combat. It can do this in order to charge another unit or even the very same unit it was engaged with (a classic being spending 3 SP to move backwards 6" and then charging 6" forwards with the 2 remaining SP!).
A Steam Tank already engaged in combat from a previous turn can also declare that its only movement in that turn will be to make a Grind action against one of the units it's in contact with. This costs one Steam Point. The Tank is not moved but the nominated enemy unit suffers D3 impact hits as normal. This simulates the Tank moving around inside the unit, squashing enemies as it does so. Note you can only spend 1 Steam Point to Grind and that you cannot execute any other movement in the turn you Grind. Other Steam Points can be spent normally in that turn's Shooting phase
Enemies who are lapping round a Steam Tank that moves out of combat or Grinds any unit are immediately moved back into their ranks. If the Tank has declared a charge and then fails to reach its intended target, it must still move its entire movement towards the intended target. Its movement is not halved.
Normally a charging unit is aligned to the charged enemy after it has made contact, however the Steam Tank does not line up to the unit it has charged (see Diagrams 3a, b and c).

Units of skirmishers and characters with a Unit Strength of 1 or 2 cannot be charged by the Steam Tank, as they simply step out of the way of such a lumbering machine. If the Tank moves through one such unit/character, move the models aside the minimum distance necessary to let the Tank through. A unit of skirmishers that is split in two parts as a result of this must go back in a legal formation in its next Movement phase.