The Anvil in the Game
A Dwarf army may have one and only one Anvil of Doom. In gaming terms, the Anvil is treated a a piece of terrain; it cannot be moved or attacked at all (no more than you can move or attack a hill!).
The Runelord and the two Anvil Guards would rather give their lives before abandoning this most ancient artefact, and must remain for all the battle on the platform. They are Unbreakable, may not declare charges and will never pursue beaten foes. The Anvil and crew have a Unit Strength of 3.
Enemy units which charge the Anvil model are placed in base contact with the platform. The Runelord and the Guards place themselves between the enemy and the anvil, without leaving the Anvil's platform. The Anvil and crew count as a unit with a 60mm wide frontage for the purposes of who can fight who (this is the width of the Anvil's base).
When shooting at the Anvil of Doom, randomise hits evenly between the Dwarfs and the Anvil (discounting any hits against the Anvil itself). To take into account the protection offered by the Anvil, the Runelord gains a 4+ Ward save against any form of missile (including magic missiles).
The Anvil and the Dwarf Magic Phase
During his own Magic phase the Dwarf player receives D6+2 Power dice. During the enemy's Magic phase everything is as normal, though the Anvil adds an extra dice to the Dwarfs' Dispel pool.
The Runelord uses the powers of the Anvil of Doom by striking the appropriate elemental rune upon it. In gaming terms, the Runelord may cast each of the four runic powers one per Magic phase using the Power dice provided by the Anvil. He may use a maximum of four dice to power a runic spell. If the Runelord is fighting in close combat, he will not be able to cast runic spells. If the spell is miscast, the Runelord does not have to roll on the Miscast table, but the Dwarf Magic phase ends immediately and all remaining dice are discarded.