The Fall of Chaqua, Imperial Year c.001
A plague, originating from the Skaven Clan Pestilens had spread throughout Lustria devastating the pyramid cities of the Lizardmen. Many of the cities were deserted or abandoned and the Skaven, advancing in the wake of the plague, occupied the ruins. Shortly before the plague arrived in Chaqua, a heavenly portent in the form of a forked tongue (twin-tailed comet) was observed and a sacred plaque foretelling the rise of the god Sorek to overthrow the ratspawn was discovered. Soon after, the Mage-priests of the city perished and were sealed up in hidden vaults by their faithful Saurus guards. Meanwhile the Skinks migrated from the city taking the sacred plaque and news of the new god with them to bring hope and inspiration among the Lizardmen.
The Saurus of Chaqua, and a few other elements of the army remained to guard the deserted city until the bitter end if need be. Suddenly the Skaven arrived, infiltrating the squalid and deserted Skink barrios and closing in on the central plaza. Eventually they made an assault across the plaza to the temple precinct. Opposing them were the last remaining Lizardmen in Chaqua acting as a rearguard while the tombs of the Mage-priest mummies were sealed and the Skinks escaped. The Saurus defied the Skaven for long enough for the last Skinks to seal up the tomb vaults beneath the pyramid with colossal blocks of the hardest stone.
An outnumbered defending force must hold off their attackers to gain time for the rest of their army to escape. The longer the defenders hold out, The greater the chance that their comrades will escape.
Both armies are chosen using the Warhammer Army lists. The defender has half the points of the attacker. Eg, 2,000 points of attackers would face 1,000 points of defenders.
Set up the terrain in an agreed manner.

The defender must set up their army first, in the deployment zone shown on the map. Scouting units may deploy up to 6" outside the deployment zone.
The attacker then deploys their army. They may set up anywhere at least 24" from a defending unit (not including defending Scouts). Scouting units must be set up at least 18" from the enemy.
Who Goes First?
The attacker goes first.
Length of Game
The game lasts a random number of turns. At the end of the fifth turn, roll a D6. On a score of 1 the game ends. At the end of the sixth turn roll again, the game end on a score of a 1 or 2, and so on.
Special Rules
The defenders are expecting to die and so are immune to panic.
Victory Conditions
For every turn past the fourth turn the game lasts, the attacker must move at least one unit off one of the defender's table edge. Characters and monsters do not count for these purposes. Also, units that flee off these table edges do not count. If the attacker moves fewer units out of play than there were turns over the fourth, the defender wins. Any other result is an attacker victory: Eg, if the game lasts for seven turns (three turns extra), the attacker must have moved three or more units off the table to win.
Historical Re-fight
This battle is re-fought between the Lizardman defenders and Skaven attackers. The Lizardmen must spend at least a third of their points on Saurus units and characters, while the Skaven, must spend at least half of their points on units and characters from Clan Pestilens. Due to the plague unleashed by the Skaven, the Lizardmen lose 2D6 points worth of troops at the start of every Skaven turn. The Lizardmen player may choose which models to lose. The defender must lose whole models (they can't lose weapons, for example) and so the defender may well have to lose more than the 2D6 roll indicates.