The Seven Knights, Imperial Year 1123
A Bretonnian troubadour song tells of a heroic battle in which seven gallant knights fought against many times their number of Goblins. The Goblins, led by Ironfang had accomplished the defeat of Baron de Fette's army, which had been caught unawares through recklessness and been ambushed in rugged countryside. Only seven knights survived the battle and were riding back, tired and bleeding, to carry on the fight from behind their own castle walls. Their names are recorded as Louen de Ledarre. Guy le Galant, Jules de Touph, Gaston de Reclasse, Bertrand Lestrong, Gui du Lambert and Evrard de Mellay. As they crossed a bridge and rode through a village, the villagers begged them not to abandon them to the Goblins and appealed to their honour. They pointed to the famous grail chapel which would fall into enemy hands. The honour of the knights, had been stung by defeat and they decided that this was as good a place as any to win it back or the in the attempt. The knights armed themselves with holy relics from the shrine and took up their positions awaiting the onslaught. The Goblins appeared and tried to swarm across the bridge as well as various points along the stream, only to be hurled back by the reckless bravery of the knights, charging into the hordes. By the end of the day, all the brave knights lay dead or dying, but not one Goblin crossed the stream and the village was saved.
A few determined characters set forth to battle an entire army. This is the stuff of legends!
Both armies are chosen using the Warhammer Army lists. The attacker chooses their army as normal. The defender only chooses from the Characters section of their army list, ignoring all normal restrictions for choosing an army. They may choose twice as many Lords as normally allowed for the size of game being played.
Set up the terrain in an agreed manner.

Both players roll a dice. The player who scores highest may choose which table edge is to be the baseline of their deployment zone.
The attacker must set up their army first, in the deployment zone shown below. Scouting units may deploy after the defender.
The defender then deploys their army. They may set up anywhere up to 18" from a short table edge.
The attacker may set up Scouts as outlined in the Warhammer rules.
Who Goes First?
The defender goes first.
Length of Game
The game lasts for six turns.
Special Rules
The defenders are totally dedicated to their cause and are immune to fear, terror and panic.
Victory Conditions
At the end of the battle calculate Victory points to see who has won.
Historical Re-fight
This battle could be fought between seven Bretonnian characters (with no monster mounts) and a 1,500 points army of Goblins (no Orc or Rare units may be chosen). There is a river with a bridge between the armies (the river counts as very difficult terrain). Place several buildings in the Bretonnian deployment zone to represent the village they are defending.