Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 6th Edition

Sacred Plaques
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Only Slann Mage-Priests may take Sacred Plaques as part of their magic item allowance. A Slann is not limited to a single Sacred Plaque, and may take more than one if they so wish (though only one of each item may be taken per army). In addition, for purposes of spells and specific magic items, Sacred Plaques do not count as magic items, so spells such as Vaul's Unmaking and items such as the Null Stone have no effect on Sacred Plaques, which are just too powerful!

A sphere of glowing light extends around the Slann and his entire retinue as the divine protection of the Old Ones is focused upon them.

Slann Mage-Priest only. The entire unit that is accompanying the Slann gains a 5+ Ward save. Note, however, that the unit does not get this increase against models that are attacking it in close combat, for they are slightly inside the mystical shield.

The Shield of the Old Ones grows more powerful under the influence of this glowing plaque, shining brightly and bursting into crackling sheets of lightning as it deflects incoming attacks.

Slann Mage-Priest only. Increases the Ward save that the Slann gets from 4+ to 2+. Note however, that the Slann does not get this increase against models that are attacking it in close combat, for they are slightly inside the mystical shield. In close combat, the Slann still only gets a 4+ Ward save.

Plaque of Dominion(Unique)50 points

Formed into the image of a grimacing face, this is a potent plaque that helps to boost the amount of magical energy that is attracted to the Slann. Those unwary of its power can go mad just by looking at the horrific visage of the plaque.

Slann Mage-Priest only. Adds an extra +1 dice to the Lizardmen player's Power dice and Dispel pools.

Plaque of Tepok(Unique)15 points

A depiction of the mysterious Old One, Tepok, this plaque opens up the mind of the Slann to new possibilities, allowing it to mind-meld with the spirits of the ancients and use their knowledge.

Slann Mage-Priest only. The Slann knows one more spell than he is normally allowed.

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