Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 6th Edition

Bonewood Staff
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Enchanted Item

This was carved many centuries ago from rare and precious bonewood. It is a potent focus for Waaagh! energy and is often used for Orc magic items.

Bound Spell. Power Level 4. The staff contains a spell which turns Wurrzag's foes into Squigs. This may be cast once per Magic phase like an ordinary spell. The spell requires no Power dice to cast, all the power required is provided by the Staff itself.

A whirling green mist surrounds one enemy model who is in base contact (obviously this means Wurrzag can use it on models in close combat). The victim, his mount (unless a monster) and all his equipment are immediately turned into Squigs. Replace the enemy model with a loose Squig and immediately bounce him away as per the normal rules. If the enemy model was mounted on a steed that only has 1 Wound then replace it with two Squigs and bounce them off separately. As usual, the Squigs don't attack units when they start bouncing, just where they land.

Wurrzag spent far too much time alone in the jungle to be very tolerant of others, especially other Shamans. Before the armies are deployed, roll 1D6 for each Shaman in the army apart from Wurrzag. On the roll of a 2-6 they are fine and take part as normal. On the roll of a 1 that Shaman has annoyed Wurrzag and been turned into a Squig. The Shaman is lost along with any magic items he was carrying. However, if you have a Night Goblin Squig Herd in your army you may add +1 extra free Cave Squig to the unit for each Shaman that gets on the wrong end of Wurrzag's temper.