A more elaborate form of ladder campaign is known as a tree campaign. This campaign needs a set of pre-written scenarios and a flow diagram which is used to determine what scenarios are played. Each time a battle is fought, the diagram tells you which scenario to play next by following the correct path. The longer the campaign goes on, the larger the diagram will need to be. In the tree campaign example shown above, which uses the scenarios presented in the Scenarios section of this rulebook, there are only two battles to fight and winning or losing determines whether your army achieves a major victory in the campaign or is crushed by your foes.

In more involved campaigns you could also include paths on the diagram which loop back, or sub-plots that branch off of the main tree. You can also allow winning or losing certain scenarios to have a permanent effect on an army as well as determining the next scenario that is played. For example, winning a battle might allow an army to use a unique magic item you've created for the campaign in all its future battles. The amount of variation depends only on the campaign's background and your imagination.