Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 6th Edition

The Ruination of Cities
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Signature SpellCasting Value: 14+

When he was alive, Lord Kroak bad the power to shift continents and crumble the tallest mountain. Though his powers are now only a shadow of their former glory, his spirit is still strong enough to topple buildings with powerful earthquakes.

Nominate a point on the table where you wish the spell to be focused. Roll a Scatter dice and an Artillery dice, and place a marker there - that is where the spell is centred. On the roll of a Misfire, the spell does not work.

Roll 2D6 to see how far the tremors spreads in inches. Any unit within this radius suffers 2D6 Strength 5 hits. In addition, any unit that suffers any wounds may only move at half rate in its next Movement phase. Models that fly are completely unaffected by this spell neither, taking wounds nor being affected by restricted movement. If there is a building or wall section underneath the place where this spell is centred then it automatically collapses and is destroyed. Models may take further damage from this destruction.