Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 6th Edition

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Spell Level 6Casting Value: 13+

Choose any one unit, friend or foe, within 18" of the Grey Seer, even if engaged in close combat. Each model in the affected unit must take a Toughness test. If the test is failed (remember a 6 is always a failure) the model suffers a wound, with no armour save allowed. If cast on a unit engaged in close combat, all units involved in the fight (from both sides) will be affected.

After working out the effects of the spell and removing casualties, roll a dice:




The spell backfires. The opponent can decide to either end the spell or choose any one unit that is within 6" of any unit that has been affected by the spell during this Magic phase. The chosen unit will be affected by the spell.


The spell ends.


The casting player can decide to either end the spell or choose another target within 6" of any unit that has been affected by the spell during this Magic phase.

If there are no targets within range, the spell ends.

After working out the effects of the spell, roll another dice on the chart above and continue to apply the results until the spell ends.

Units cannot be affected twice by this spell during the same Magic phase, even if the spell is cast by another Wizard during the same phase.