Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 6th Edition

Horekhah's Incantation of Righteous Smiting
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Bound Spell

Target one of your own Undead units within 12" of the Priest. If the unit is not engaged in combat, it can immediately shoot with any missile weapons it carries. This is effectively an additional Shooting phase. This can be used on Screaming Skull Catapults too (if they have not moved that turn). As this counts as an additional Shooting phase, an Incantation of Righteous Smiting successfully cast on a unit that could not shoot in its next Shooting phase, due to a misfire or spell for example, may count this as that next Shooting phase. In effect they cannot shoot in this magical Shooting phase, but will be able to then shoot in the regular Shooting phase.

If the unit is engaged in close combat, all models in the unit can immediately make one normal close combat attack against any models they are in base contact with, exactly as they would have done in the following Close Combat phase (including Strength bonuses if charging, etc, but excluding impact hits). In the case of cavalry, both rider and mount may make one attack. For chariots, both steeds and crew can each make one attack. There is no combat resolution, but if enough casualties are caused the enemy unit must take a Panic test. If the enemy unit panics and flee, and the Undead are free to move, the Undead must pursue the enemy (they can test to restrain pursuit as normal).

Units may be affected by this incantation only once per Magic phase, regardless of its source.