Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 6th Edition

The Steam Tank Tinker Chart
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The Conqueror version of the Steam Tank mounts a main cannon in the hull and a steam gun turret (for a cost of 300 points and a total of 25 Hull Points), but many other variants are possible. The chart below offers the opportunity to mix different options to create various variants.

You start by buying the basic version, which is the 'ram' version, and then add one hull upgrade and/or one turret upgrade to your Tank. Each upgrade has a points cost and affects the amount of Hull Points the Tank has.

Steam TankPoints CostHull Points
Basic (no weapons)25029
Hull UpgradesPoints CostHull Points
Main Cannon+25-2
Volley Gun+50-2
Mortar (no turret-50-10
Turret UpgradesPoints CostHull Points
Steam Gun+25-2
Fighting Platform+1200

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