A Hunter will often send his Sabretusks out to chase down vulnerable or wounded victims. They may charge independently of the Hunter using their own Movement rate. In this case, the Sabretusks charge and the Hunter moves as normal - the Hunter may not charge a different target. Once the Sabretusks have been released, they become a Fast Cavalry unit that may only ever be joined by the Hunter that released them (they will cease to be Fast Cavalry should the Hunter rejoin them).
Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 6th Edition
Sic 'em, boys!URL Copied!
Any Sabretusks accompanying the Hunter will be deployed alongside the Hunter (one on either side if two are taken). A Hunter may never decline a challenge, just as though he were on his own. Missile fire is randomised against the unit by rolling a D6: 1-4 hits the Hunter, 5 or 6 hits a Sabretusk. The Hunter and his unit need never take Panic tests for Sabretusk casualties. If the Hunter is killed, either by missile fire or in combat, then any unreleased Sabretusks are immediately treated as casualties as they feed on his corpse.
If the Hunter breaks an enemy unit whilst he still has one or more Sabretusks remaining, and would normally be able to pursue, he may opt to release the 'tusks. The Hunter will automatically remain stationary whilst his Sabretusks run down the prey; roll 3D6 for their pursuit distance. The Sabretusks then become a separate unit as described above. Victory Points are counted separately for each Sabretusk killed, whether they are with the Hunter or not.
Being huge feline predators the size of a warhorse, Sabretusks cause fear.