When shooting at the Tank, roll to hit normally (the Steam Tank is a Large Target), then determine if you have hit a 'Soft' part (the boiler, an open hatch...) or a 'Hard' part (armour plating).
To do this, roll a dice for each hit on the following table:
Location | Hard Hit | Soft Hit |
Front | 1-5 | 6 |
Flank | 1-4 | 5-6 |
Rear | 1-2 | 3-6 |
The Steam Tank has a front, flanks and rear as shown on Diagram 4.

Note: The top of the Steam Tank is considerably less armoured, so all attacks, including magical attacks, that hit from above will automatically hit Soft. If the central hole of a template weapon is entirely on the Tank it will also automatically hit Soft. Otherwise, they will cause a normal hit that has to be rolled on the Location table. The direction of the hit is the facing closest to the centre of the template. Determine the damage (ie, Hull Points loss) caused by the hit by adding the following set of factors:
The score of a D6.
The Strength of the hit.
The result of the dice for any multiple wounds it causes (if the attack does not cause multiple wounds, nothing is added).
If you have hit Soft, subtract 8 from the total you obtained.
If you have hit Hard, subtract 10 from the total you obtained.
That is:
Soft hit damage = D6 + S + * - 8
Hard hit damage = D6 + S + * - 10
Eg: An arrow shot by a bow hits Soft. It will cause D6 + 3 + 0 - 8 points of damage (the O is because the arrow does not cause multiple wounds). You will need to roll a 6 to score a single point of damage on the Tank.
A cannon ball shot by a Great Cannon hits Hard and causes D6 + 10 + D6 - 10 points of damage. It can cause from 2 to 12 points of damage on the Tank. Note that Steam Tanks are immune to the effects of poison, so treat poisoned attacks as normal attacks.