Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 6th Edition

Firing the Hellcannon
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The Hellcannon has a range of 60", and fires in exactly the same manner as a stone thrower, with the exceptions below. Because of its malign intellect, the first roll of the Scatter dice may be re-rolled each turn. Once the point of impact has been resolved any unit that is not Immune to Psychology and would be hit by the Hellcannon may elect to flee directly away from the Hellcannon before the hit is resolved.

Place the small template with the central hole over the point of impact. Anything under the template takes a S10 hit, suffering D6 wounds (D6+2 against buildings and castle sections). Determine partial hits by rolling a dice, on a 4+ the model is affected. Then place the large template with the central hole over the same point. Any unit (friend or foe) with a model even partially under the large template must immediately pass a Leadership test or flee directly away from the Hellcannon. This does not affect troops which are Immune to Psychology.

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