Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 6th Edition

Expert Poisoner
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Lucrezzia Belladonna is rumoured to be an expert at preparing poisons. No one has ever lived to tell if this true or not. To represent this poisonous skill, use the following rules:

Lucrezzia's Kiss

She has been known to kiss the weapons of a hero who she takes as her champion. To represent this, any one character or unit Champion gains Killing Blow due to the potency of the poison in her lipstick.

Stiletto Dagger

All of Lucrezzia's attacks are Poisoned Attacks. She also carries a stiletto dagger which counts as an additional hand weapon.

Potion of Pavona

At the beginning of the battle, Lucrezzia may give the potion to any one character, unit Champion, or take it herself. Roll a D6 and if you roll 2+ choose that number of that model's characteristics to improve by +1. For example, You roll a 4 and you choose to improve the model's WS, T, W, and I. You cannot apply this bonus to the model's Leadership and cannot increase a characteristic by more than one. If you roll a 1, the model loses one wound; if this kills the model then it counts as a casualty for all purposes.

Phial of Poison

Lucrezzia hires an 'agent' prior to every battle. This agent will sneak into the enemy camp and attempt to poison the enemy leaders. To represent this, roll a D6 at the beginning of the battle for each enemy character. A roll of 4+ means than the character has been poisoned and starts the battle with one Wound less thar normal.

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