Beastmen Herds are a mix of Gors and Ungors, to which the following special rules apply:
All shooting hits against the unit are allocated against Ungors first, and only when each Ungor has been hit once are hits allocated against Gors (who tend to use their smaller kin as living shields).
Continue to distribute missile hits in this manner until they have all been allocated. Once hits have been allocated, make rolls to wound as normal.
Example: A unit of eight Gors and five Ungors takes 16 hits from an Empire volley gun. Each model is bit once, and then the three extra hits are allocated against Ungors.
In close combat, the Gors quickly push to the front, while Ungors hide behind their larger cousins and jab with their spears (using the normal Fight in Ranks rule).
If charged or charging, the unit forms up as described for units with Mob Rule. Once the unit has been formed up, move any Champions, Standard Bearers, Musicians and characters within the unit to the front rank, and then move any Gors in the back ranks as tar torward as possible. Any Ungors in the unit are then positioned to fill out the back ranks as normal.
Enemy attacks in close combat also need to be allocated between Gors and Ungors (if in contact with both) as they have different profiles. Casualties should be removed from the appropriate type of Beastmen models and the unit must be reorganised to keep its formation.