Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 6th Edition

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To turn a unit, all the models remain in place but are turned around through 90° or 180° to face their side or rear. To make a turn, a unit must surrender a quarter of its move.

For example, a unit with a Move of 4" must give up 1" in order to turn.

A unit is allowed to turn several times during its move unless it is charging or marching.

When a unit is turned to face its side or rear, its leader is automatically rearranged into the front rank along with the Standard Bearer. Musician and any other characters that are in the unit. If there is not enough space within the ranks, models can be rearranged into the rear ranks as the player wishes.

To turn a unit all the models remain in place. but are turned round through 90° or 180° to face their side or rear. To make a turn a unit must surrender a quarter of its move — a unit with a move of 4" must give up 1" to turn for example.

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