Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 6th Edition

Whip of Agony
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Magic Weapon

At the beginning of any close combat phase, Rakarth may make a special attack with his magical weapon, the Whip of Agony. This attack always strikes first first. If an enemy model is also entitled to always strike first, the model with the higher Initiative strikes first (roll a D6 if they have equal Initiative). Rakarth makes a single attack with the Whip. Roll to hit as normal. If the attack hits, do not roll to wound like normal. Rather, the enemy model must take an immediate Leadership test. Ridden monsters must test on their own Leadership value. If that test is failed, they are overcome with pain, and must roll 6s to score hits in that round of close combat. After this special attack has been made, the combat continues as normal, and Rakarth may attack with his normal attacks.