Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 6th Edition

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Magic Weapon55 points

The Thundermace is a foundation stone taken from the base of a skycastle and bound with meteoric iron onto a long, stout haft. When brought down over the head, the accumulated force of several hundred tonnes of masonry explodes outward from the point of impact.

The Thundermace is a two handed weapon that follows all the rules for great weapons. A Tyrant with the Thundermace may opt to make only one attack per Close Combat phase. On a successful hit (use the highest Weapon Skill amongst the enemy models in base contact to determine whether the Tyrant hits), place the small template anywhere so that it is touching but not overlapping the Tyrant's base (it may touch friendly models should you so wish, though it does not affect them). Determine casualties exactly as if the unit had suffered a direct hit by a Strength 4(8) stone thrower.

In a challenge, a Tyrant choosing to use this special attack does not use a template, but instead strikes at Strength 8, doing D6 wounds and ignoring normal Armour Save.