Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 6th Edition

Revered Spear of Tlanxla
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Magic Weapon

This powerful weapon was said to have been wielded by the war-like Old One deity Tlanxla as he rode his sky chariot into battle. It hums with ancient energy, and those struck by it are overcome with flashes of doom­laden visions that sap their will to fight.

The Revered Spear of Tlanxla gives Kroq-Gar +1 Strength on the turn he charges.

Any unit that suffers wounds from the Revered Blade of Tlanxla must take a Leadership test at the end of the combat. This Leadership test is taken before combat resolution is calculated. If the test is failed, the unit counts as automatically losing the combat and failing its Break test. Kroq-Gar may elect to pursue or restrain pursuit as normal. If Kroq-Gar caused wounds on more than one unit, each must take a separate Leadership test; units which fail this test are not counted towards outnumbering when calculating combat resolution and any other Break tests, which are otherwise resolved as normal.

Against units that are Immune to Psychology, the weapon imply counts as a magical spear.