Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 6th Edition

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Magic Weapon

The Creature-killer is a special implement designed by Throt himself which he uses to capture and kill all manner of foul creatures to be used in his twisted experiments.

The Creature-killer gives Throt the Killing Blow special ability, as detailed on page 112 of the Warhammer rulebook. However, this magical weapon may also be used to deliver a Killing Blow to creatures the size of an Ogre, such as Minotaurs, Trolls and Kroxigors. It may not be used on monsters larger than Ogres, such as Dragons, or against Swarms. The Creature-killer requires two hands to use, but as Throt has three hands, he may still use the weapon and his hand weapon or whip to gain one extra Attack. This gives him four Attacks with the Creature-killer and one normal Attack which does not have the Killing Blow ability.