Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 6th Edition

Asp Bow
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Magic Weapon30 points

Exhumed from the sands of Khemri, this weapon found its way to the halls of Queen Neferata. Its arrows are like poisonous serpents which eagerly seek their target's heart.

Lahmian Vampires only. Range 24". The bearer can pick any target it can see (including a character/Champion in a unit, a war machine's crew, a chariot/monster rider etc), but if he uses this special ability he suffers a -1 to hit. Note that the normal -1 modifier for shooting at a single model does not apply (but other to hit modifiers do apply) and a character/Champion cannot benefit from the "Look Out, Sir!" rule. Hits are resolved at Strength 4 and count as Poisoned Attacks.