Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 6th Edition

Army Limitations
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The number and type of troops which a player can field is restricted by the territories that they control. Because of this, the limitations of what can be included in the army lists are not used. To begin with, each player is restricted in his choices for his army as follows:

Characters: Each army is allowed one character, representing the player himself. This character may be of any type allowed to the army. Otherwise the army may not include characters unless the player controls a territory that allows them to be used.

Special troops: The army may have two units of special troops. Additional special units may only be included if the player controls the appropriate territories.

Rare troops: The army may have one unit of Rare troops. Additional Rare units may only be included if the player controls the appropriate territories.

Skirmishers: A player's army may not include troops that can skirmish unless the player's territories include mountains or forests; the people from such territories provide the bulk of skirmishing troops.

War machines: The army may have one war machine. Additional war machines may only be included if the player controls the appropriate territories.

Monsters: The army may have one monster. Additional monsters may only be included if the player controls the appropriate territories.

Magic items: The player's army may have up to three magic items with a points value of no greater than 100 points in total. Any additional magic items may only be included if the player controls the appropriate territories.

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