Fighting the Scenario
This scenario is a fight to the death between the defenders of the fortress and their attackers. This battle will decide the fate of the fortress once and for all. The besieger has mustered all his available forces for this final attempt and the defender will have to repel them or die.
The besieger's objective is to knock down the fortress walls, slay all the defenders and conquer the fortress. The besieged player's objective is to hold the fortress at any cost, and repulse the assault. He must survive long enough to receive any reinforcements, or drive away the attackers.
The Battlefield
The battlefield consists of the castle walls, towers and gateway, and the surrounding countryside.
The map below shows one possible way to lay out the castle for a siege. The besieging player may then use the terrain charts on pages 222-228 to generate up to three extra pieces of terrain for the battle. These may be set up anywhere on the table, more than 24" from the fortress walls (leaving an open killing ground around the castle).
On the map you will see a typical layout for a 1,500 point force of besieged troops. Add an additional tower and section of wall for each full 500 extra points worth of besieged troops.
The Forces
Each player refers to his force selection in order to choose models for this game. These tell you how many points you can use and which troop types are allowed.
Special Rules
The scenario is played using the Warhammer rules with the following exceptions:
Castle. All the rules for attacking a castle apply. See the Rules of Siege section for details.
Siege Equipment. Both sides are allowed to buy siege equipment as explained in the Rules of Siege section in this book.
Special Deployment. Any troops with special deployment rules such as Wood Elf Scouts may not use them in this scenario.
The besiegers are deployed first. They may be deployed anywhere on the battlefield no closer than 24" to any part of the castle. The defending force is deployed afterwards anywhere in the fortress.

Who Has the First Turn?
The defenders have the first turn.
How Long Does the Scenario Last?
The scenario lasts for seven turns. If the fortress is not captured within that time, the assault will fail.
Victory or Defeat
If either side is completely wiped out, then their opponents win by default.
Otherwise, the area within the fortress walls should be divided into four equally sized zones (see the map on the previous page). Note that the towers and walls are not included in this area.
To control one of these zones, a player must have a unit of at least 5 models in the zone. If both players have at least one unit of 5 models in the same zone, then neither player controls the zone. Note that flying troops do not count towards the victory conditions as they cannot take the fortress by themselves.
The player who controls the most zones at the end of the game is the winner. If both sides have the same amount, the game is a draw.
Assault Force
The assault force consists of twice as many points as the besieged force, thus the force can be of any size.
We recommend using 3,000 points of besiegers. Use the Warhammer Army book for the appropriate race to choose an army from.
Note that if your army has no infantry available from its Core choices, you may replace one of the Core units with any infantry unit from the Special category.
Siege Equipment
You may freely purchase any siege equipment allowed for the besieging force See the Rules of Siege section for details.
The defenders of the besieged fortress number half the points value of the besieging force.
We recommend using 1,500 points of defenders against 3,000 points of attackers. Use the Warhammer Army book for the appropriate race to choose an army from.
Note that if your army has no infantry available from its Core choices, you may replace one of the Core units with any infantry unit from the Special category.
Siege Equipment
You may freely purchase any siege equipment allowed to the besieged force. See the Rules of Siege section for details.