Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 6th Edition

Vanhel's Danse Macabre
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Spell Level 5Casting Value: 9+

The Undead are filled with an unholy magical energy that causes them to stride across the battlefield with a speed that even most mortals are unable to match.

This spell can be cast on a friendly Undead unit that is within 18", and which is not already engaged in close combat. The unit can immediately make a move of up to 8" in the same way as a normal move made in the Movement phase (it can wheel, turn, change formation or even reform).

The unit can charge an enemy within 8" if opportunity permits and the same rules apply as for a normal charge (except that if the charge is failed the Undead will still move the full 8"). A unit that is charged by means of Vanhel's Danse Macabre can react to the charge as normal and must take the appropriate Psychology tests.