Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 6th Edition

Tree Singing
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Spell Level 1Casting Value: 4+

The mage encourages the spirits of Athel Loren to make the forests shift and begin moving. The spell may be cast on any wood within 18" of the caster, provided there are no enemy models within it. The spell makes the chosen wood move D3 + 1" inches in a direction nominated by the caster before rolling. The wood can contain friendly units, but the units must be entirely within the woods - if one or more models in the unit is outside the wood, then the spell cannot be targeted on that wood. Friendly troops within the woods are moved with it, but must end their turn at least 1" away from enemy troops and count as having moved. The wood stops moving as soon as it comes in contact with any other unit or piece of terrain. A wood can be moved more than once in the same Magic phase.

Alternatively, the spell can be used to inflict D6 Strength 5 hits on a single enemy unit that is even partially within a wood or similar terrain feature.