Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 6th Edition

Steal Soul
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Spell Level 3Casting Value: 8+

This spell can be cast on an enemy model within 12". If successfully cast, the victim's soul is torn and rendered by dark forces and sacrificed to the caster himself.

The enemy model loses 1 Wound. No armour save is allowed. In addition, the casting Wizard gains 1 Wound for the duration of the battle. This spell can be used to increase the caster's Wounds characteristic beyond its normal maximum level, and can be used several times to increase the caster's Wounds even further. At the end of the battle, any stolen Wounds are lost - if the Wizard has no Wounds left once stolen Wounds are removed, he is slain.

The spell cannot affect Undead, Chaos Daemons, and similar units which don't have a soul!