Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 6th Edition

Invocation of Nehek
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Spell Level 1Casting Value: 3+

Buried deep within the earth of the Old World lie the bones of those who have fallen in countless battles. Undead wizard can awaken these warriors from their rest to serve him in an unholy afterlife.

This spell can be used in three different ways - to add models to an existing unit, to create a new unit or to restore lost Wounds to a model. In all cases, it has a range of 18". The caster must declare if he is using the spell on an existing unit (declare target unit), to create a new unit (declare whether Zombies or Skeletons) or to restore lost Wounds (declare target model), as well as the Casting Value he is attempting (3+, 7+ or 11+), before he rolls the dice to cast.

The higher the Casting Value chosen, the more effective will be the result of the spell if cast successfully (see below).

Note that this spell can be cast only once per Magic phase, as normal, and not once per Casting Value.

  • Can be cast to add new models to an existing unit of Zombies or Skeletons. If successfully cast, choose one unit of Zombies or Skeletons (even if engaged in close combat) and then measure the range to it. If the unit is in range, the spell adds D6/2D6/3D6 models to the unit (add +1 per dice for Zombies), depending on the Difficulty Level chosen (see the table below). The new models will be armed and equipped exactly like the other models in the unit. Note that this can take the number of models in the unit above the maximum allowed in the army list. The Victory points value of the unit does not change.

  • Can be cast to create a new unit of Zombies or Skeletons. If successfully cast, choose any point within 18" and place one model on it. Then form the rest of the models around it. The new unit will consist of D6/2D6/3D6 models (add +1 per dice for Zombies), depending on the Casting Value chosen (see the table below). Skeletons will be armed with a hand weapon and shield. Zombies will be armed with a hand weapon. If less than five models are created, the spell has failed to work and no models can be placed on the table. Units created in this way must be deployed at least 1" away from any enemy, but may be in any formation and facing any direction. Immediately calculate the Victory points value of the new unit (at 6 points per Zombie or 8 points per Skeleton) and record it straight away.

  • Can be cast to restore lost Wounds to an Undead model with multiple Wounds on its profile. If successfully cast, choose one Undead model (even if engaged in close combat) and then measure the range to it. If the model is in range, the spell restores 1/2/3 Wounds to the target, depending on the Casting Value chosen, (see the table below). This spell cannot be used to take the Wounds of the model above the number it started the game with.

Casting ValueModels CreatedWounds Restored
3+D6 Skeletons or D6+1 Zombies1 Wound
7+2D6 Skeletons or 2D6+2 Zombies2 Wounds
11+3D6 Skeletons or 3D6+3 Zombies3 Wounds