Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 6th Edition

Glacial Barrier
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Spell Level 6Casting Value: 12+

Remains in play. The Wizard spreads her hands wide, causing the air itself to freeze into a wall of ice. This spell may be cast on any point within line of sight. Place a 5" by 1" strip of paper on the battlefield, all of which must be completely within 24" of the caster, to represent the Glacial Barrier. This is treated as impassable terrain and blocks line of sight. The Glacial Barrier can be charged or targeted as if it were an Unbreakable enemy model, and is automatically hit in close combat. It is automatically destroyed if it is hit by any attack of Strength 5 or greater (or by any flaming attack). All other attacks have no effect. Any unit that destroys the barrier in combat may not overrun.

The Glacial Barrier continues to exist until it is dispelled, destroyed as above, or until the Wizard chooses to end it (which she can do at any time), attempts to cast another spell or is slain.