Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 6th Edition

Doom and Darkness!
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Spell Level 6Casting Value: 12+

Lasts one turn+. This spell can be cast upon an enemy unit which is within 24" of and visible to the caster. If successfully cast, the unit is enshrouded by a black cloud of despair.

For the duration of the turn the affected unit will suffer a -3 penalty to any Leadership test (including Break tests) it is required to take. At the start of its following turn, the unit must take and pass a Leadership test (at -3), otherwise it remains affected for the duration of that turn as well. At the end of the affected unit's following turn, the spell ceases to have any effect.

The spell cannot affect Undead targets, Chaos Daemons or Unbreakable units. Units, immune to psychology are not affected either.