The Battle of Swartzhafen, Imperial Year 2050
During the period of the three Emperors the Empire was riven by civil war as rival claimants to the throne fought against each other. At this time Sylvania was in the grip of the Vampire Count Vlad von Carstein, who sought to exploit the situation and make his own bid for power.
As Vlad set his Undead host marching from Sylvania, the Elector Count of Middenheim was preparing to attack the province. The two armies surprised each other, clashing a few miles inside the borders of Sylvania. Even though the Middenheim army was engaging the Undead on very unfavourable ground, among ruins, cairns and the dark forest, the Middenheimers responded more rapidly, fought hard and won the day. Vlad himself was smashed down in battle by the Knights of the White Wolf and disappeared for a year before re-emerging from Sylvania at the head of another Undead army.
In this scenario both armies must deploy from a column of march and engage the enemy.
Both armies are chosen using the Warhammer Army lists to an agreed points value.
A Meeting Engagement can take place over any terrain you like.

Before the battle the players must write an Order of March, to show where in their column each unit is. All war machines are included as a single unit for these purposes, as are all the characters in the army. Characters are always deployed last.
The players roll a dice each, highest scorer is allowed to choose a table edge.
Each player rolls a dice and the highest scoring player may decide whether to begin deploying first or second.
The players take it in turns to deploy their units, starting with the one at the top of their Order of March and working down. The second and subsequent units must be deployed closer to the neutral table edges than any unit already in play - in effect the army deploys outwards from the first unit.
All war machines are written as a single entry on the Order of March, though they can be deployed anywhere on the battlefield within the normal deployment zone.
Champions are deployed with their unit. All other characters are deployed after all other units in the army, each player deploying their characters all at the same time. Characters may start the battle within units.
Units must be deployed at least 6" from the neutral table edges and 36" from the enemy table edge.
Scouting units must be deployed in the same way as other units, except they may be deployed up to 18" from the enemy (they don't have enough time to work their way as far forward as normal).
Who Goes First?
Both players roll a dice, the player who finished their deployment first may add +1 to their dice roll. The player who scores highest may choose whether to go first or second (re-roll ties).
Length of Game
The game lasts six turns.
Special Rules
There are no special rules in this scenario.
Victory Conditions
At the end of the game, players calculate Victory points using the Victory Points table.
Historical Re-fight
To re-fight the historical scenario you would choose armies from the Vampire Counts and Empire army lists. The Empire army must include at least one unit of White Wolves and the Vampire Counts army is led by Vlad von Carstein. If Vlad is slain or flees from the table, the Empire win a decisive victory at the end of the turn. Knights of the White Wolf are immune to fear to represent their historic determination and valour on the day.