Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 6th Edition

Wild Rider Kindreds
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Kindreds of Auryaur

Sometimes those of this Kindred are known as the Spears of Kurnous, the Brethren of Orion and Pyrewardens. The name Auryaur has evolved from the Elven root word Oriour, meaning blood and birth.

Wood Elf characters can be upgraded to become a member of a Wild Rider Kindred.

Wood Elf Highborn: +50 points

Wood Elf Noble: +35 points

The character carries a spear and wears light armour. They may not choose any additional weapons or armour, though they may choose a magic spear or a suit of magical light armour to replace the respective item if they wish. They benefit from the Talismanic Tattoos, Fury of Kurnous and Forest Spirit special rules (and so may join units of Forest spirits). However, they must ride an Elven Steed or Great Stag (chosen at additional cost from the army list).