The Sword of Change has the power to warp its foes and mutate them into vile monstrosities, dribbling mindless creatures known as Chaos Spawn.
Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 6th Edition
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Magic Weapon75 points
Roll a D6 every time an enemy character or monster is slain by the Sword of Change. On a roll of 1, 2 or 3 nothing happens. On a roll of 4 or more, the model is turned into a Chaos Spawn controlled by the Chaos player! Replace the model with a Chaos Spawn model. If you do not have a spare Chaos Spawn model the model is slain, but the sword has no additional effect. If the enemy is in a unit, then the Spawn model is placed in contact with the unit on one of its free sides (bearer's choice) and will fight as normal in subsequent combat rounds. The Chaos Spawn starts with only D3 Wounds.