Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 6th Edition

Sizzla's Shiny Baubles
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Talisman35 points

Sizzla was one of the less lucky Orc Shamans of Azhag's army and was turned to amethvst by an Empire Battle Wizard at the Battle of Osterwald. All that survived the transformation was a small pouch containing Sizzla's most treasured possessions: his Shiny Baubles.

If you fail to dispel an enemy spell cast at the bearer or the unit he is with, or choose not to try, then you may attempt to reflect it back at the caster. You may even do this if the spell was cast with Irresistible Force. Roll 1D6 for each spell. On a 1-3, the Shiny Baubles do nothing and the spell takes effect as normal. On a 4+ the spell is reflected back at the caster with all the normal effects. The original caster may make one attempt to dispel his own spell (unless it was cast with Irresistible Force), just as if it had been cast at him. He may use Power dice to dispel with, or a magic item, Dispel Magic Scroll or whatever. exactly as normal.