Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 6th Edition

Kurbog's Curmudgeonly Clobbera
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Magic Weapon40 points

The spite and lust for vengeance that ooze from this weapon leave those struck by it utterly dumbstruck and unwilling to attack lest they incur its wrath once more.

If an enemy model suffers one or more wounds (after saves) inflicted by the Curmudgeonly Clobbera it may make no more Attacks in that combat engagement. If the victim is mounted or rides a chariot, then only the rider/monster that actually suffers the wound is 'clobbered' and not the entire model/mount/etc. Only one model can be 'clobbered' at a time. Other models that are hit whilst one is 'clobbered' suffer wounds as normal but no additional effects.