Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 6th Edition

Glowy Green Amulet
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Talisman20 points

As it absorbs the force of incoming spells, this small and unimposing amulet begins to glow ever more brightly. To most creatures this might be seen as a warning, but not to the Orcs who regard it as increasingly interesting. Eventually the power will be too much and it will burst, immolating the bearer, though the Amulet itself will be unharmed.

Instead of making a normal dispel attempt, a model with the Amulet may attempt to nullify any enemy spell cast at the bearer Or the unit he is with. Roll the same number of D6 as the caster used to cast the spell. If all are 2-6 then the Amulet dispels the spell. However, if one or more dice is a 1 then the spell gets through as the Amulet overloads and explodes, killing the wearer outright (with no saves of any kind allowed). The Amulet cannot stop spells cast with Irresistible Force.