Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 6th Edition

Armour of Ursun
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Magic Armour

Forged on the Spring Equinox, one of the holiest days of the cult of Ursun, the powdered bones of a score of the mightiest bears were mixed with the steel of the armour before it was quenched in the finest mead. This suit of armour is imbued with the power and might
of Ursun himself and those who wear it feel his power coursing through their veins.

The Armour of Ursun counts as full plate (4+ Armour save). In addition, for each hit caused by his enemies in close combat, the Tzar may make an additional attack back after his enemies' attacks have been resolved (and assuming he's still alive!). He may make these bonus attacks even if he has already attacked that phase.