Yes. See the Warhammer Annual 2002. View online.
Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 6th Edition
War Machines - Frequently Asked QuestionsURL Copied!
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Have there been any articles written which provide additional guidance on how to properly utilize war machines?URL Copied!
Source: Warhammer Annual 2002 pages 18-21
Are players allowed to write down the guess ranges as they declare the shot for each of their guess range weapons?URL Copied!
Yes. Writing down previous guesses pretty much reflects how a "real" artillery captain would work.
Source: Gav Thorpe - Warhammer Design Team
Can I move over a war machine if there is no crew? Is the war machine considered an obstacle or is it treated as if it was not there?URL Copied!
An abandoned war machine has no effect on movement.
Source: Warhammer Chronicles 2004 page 114
Can a war machine's crew flee from a charge?URL Copied!
Source: Rulebook page 119 / Warhammer Annual 2002 page 20
If a war machine's crew flees from a charge, can the enemy choose to charge the abandoned war machine?URL Copied!
Yes. Note that if a war machine is already abandoned when charged, it is destroyed, but no combat results are worked out, no Panic tests required, no overrun can be made, etc.
Source: Rulebook page 119 / Warhammer Chronicles 2004 page 123
In a situation where a war machine crew becomes frenzied (e.g. due to the effects of a spell) is the war machine's crew forced to declare a charge?URL Copied!
No. War machine crews are not allowed to declare charges. Further, it has been clarified that a war machine crew may never leave their war machine except to crew another war machine which has no crew left or if they flee.
Source: Warhammer Annual 2002 page 20 / Warhammer Chronicles 2004 page 114 / Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation
Can a war machine's crew declare "hold" as a charge reaction when away from a war machine?URL Copied!
No. They are required to flee.
Source: Rulebook page 119 / Warhammer Annual 2002 page 20
Do war machine crews have to test to restrain pursuit?URL Copied!
No. A war machine crew may never leave their war machine except to crew another war machine which has no crew left or if they flee.
Source: Warhammer Chronicles 2004 page 114
In a situation where a war machine crew defeats a hated enemy in close combat (e.g. Dwarfs vs. Goblin Wolf Riders), or the war machine crew is frenzied, is the war machine crew forced to pursue?URL Copied!
No. Per the Q&A recently issued in Warhammer Chronicles 2004, war machine crews are no longer allowed to pursue enemies who break and flee from close combat.
Source: Warhammer Chronicles 2004 page 114 / Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation
Can an enemy unit spike a war machine?URL Copied!
Yes. Per the Errata in Warhammer Chronicles on Attacking a Machine - Replace both paragraphs with: A war machine cannot be attacked in close combat while it still has crew. A war machine that has had its crew wiped out or broken in close combat is assumed to be spiked or otherwise disabled by the attackers, on the condition that they do not pursue or overrun. If a war machine is already abandoned when charged, it is destroyed, but no combat results are worked out, no Panic tests are required, no overrun can be made, etc.
Source: Rulebook page 119 / Warhammer Chronicles 2004 page 123
Do destroyed war machines cause Panic tests?URL Copied!
Source: Warhammer Chronicles 2004 page 114
When a war machine with less than 5 wounds on its original profile has been abandoned by its crew, does its destruction by the enemy in the shooting or magic phase does its destruction cause nearby friendly units to take panic tests?URL Copied!
No. When the crew is not attached to the machine, a war machine is considered to be a single model and if it has less than 5 wounds on its original profile then its destruction by the enemy will not cause a panic test.
Source: Warhammer Chronicles 2004 page 125 / Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation
If a war machine which was abandoned by its crew when it was charged is destroyed in the close combat phase, does its destruction cause nearby friendly units to take panic tests?URL Copied!
No. If a war machine is already abandoned when charged, it is destroyed, but no combat results are worked out, no Panic tests are required, no overrun can be made, etc.
Source: Rulebook page 119 / Warhammer Chronicles 2004 page 123
When a war machine unit destroys itself via a misfire do friendly units within 4" have to take a Panic check at the end of the phase?URL Copied!
No test required. The panic test for friends destroyed is very specific about enemy magic and shooting again. In this case, most soldiers are just waiting for the whirly-gun of doom to blow itself up. They're pretty used to this type of behaviour.
Source: Gav Thorpe - Warhammer Design Team
Is a war machine's crew that is separated from the war machine (due to fleeing from combat, panic, etc.) treated as a normal unit for purposes of causing panic tests from being wiped out, run down by a charging enemy, fleeing past friends, etc.?URL Copied!
Yes. No exceptions for war machine crews in regards to these types of panic tests are given in the Rulebook. Remember that if a separated war machine's crew has been reduced to only a single model to apply the panic test exemptions given for single models with less than 5 wounds on their profile.
Source: Rulebook page 119
If a war machine's crew takes 25% or more casualties in one phase from enemy shooting or magic are they required to take a panic check?URL Copied!
Source: Rulebook page 80
Is it true that if the machine model is destroyed by shooting or magic, that the surviving crew have to take a Panic test (assuming that the size of the war machine unit was four models or less)?URL Copied!
Yes. While crew losses from enemy shooting or magic does not force the war machine unit to take a panic test, no such exemption exists for loss of the machine.
Source: Rulebook page 80
Can you fire a war machine in the turn it has been re-crewed?URL Copied!
No. A war machine may not be fired until the turn after it has been re-crewed.
Source: Warhammer Annual 2002 page 21
When the crew of a war machine is reduced in size to the point where the machine can only be fired at a slower rate, when exactly does the slower rate take effect?URL Copied!
This takes effect after the next time it is fired. In other words, the war machine can fire again one more time before having to take extra time to reload.
Source: Warhammer Annual 2002 page 21
Do you score Victory points for reducing a war machine unit to half its starting Wounds?URL Copied!
No, Victory points are only scored for destroying it (or the equivalent, as detailed in the War Machines section of the rules).
Source: Warhammer Chronicles 2004 page 114
When a cannonball hits a war machine unit do you randomize to determine what is hit?URL Copied!
No. A cannon ball is treated as a thin template at thus hits whatever falls under the line it passes through. The section on randomizing hits on warmachine units applies to fire from missile weapons and magic missiles and does not apply to templates. In addition, remember a war machine is not a model with multiple parts, it is a unit with multiple models.
Source: Rulebook page 122