Undead are no longer immune to poison. The reference to unliving targets in the poison description means chariots, war engines, buildings, and such like.
Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 6th Edition
Vampire Counts - Frequently Asked QuestionsURL Copied!
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Are Undead immune to poison, since it does not say this anywhere?URL Copied!
Source: Warhammer Chronicles 2004 page 117
Do "wounds caused by the Black Coach" include wounds caused by the wraith and nightmares, or is it only impact hits that restore (or add) wounds?URL Copied!
Any wounds caused by the Black Coach model (including wraith and nightmares) count towards this total.
Source: Anthony Reynolds - Warhammer Design Team (Online Q&A on the Games Workshop Warhammer Forum)
If you have more than one Vampire that can summon Wolves/Ghouls can they all be put into one unit?URL Copied!
No. Each summoned unit is a separate unit.
Source: Warhammer Chronicles 2004 page 116
Can Von Carstein Vampires with Wolf Form join a unit of Dire Wolves? This would seem to really fit in with the background and army, however, the Fast Cavalry rules appear to prevent such units from being joined by a character on foot.URL Copied!
Yes. Check the Errata for Fast Cavalry.
Source: Warhammer Chronicles 2004 pages 117 and 125
When two (or more) Blood Dragon Vampires are in a combat, how do you determine who must issue / accept a challenge?URL Copied!
The Blood Dragon with the highest Leadership in a combat must always issue challenges and must always accept enemy challenges if possible. If two (or more) Blood Dragon Vampires with the same Leadership value are in a combat, the Vampire Counts player may choose between them.
Source: Vampire Counts Army Book page 52 / Warhammer Chronicles 2004 page 128
Do Ethereal units suffer from attacking over a defended obstacle?URL Copied!
They only ignore movement penalties, that's all. This includes marching in difficult terrain.
Source: Warhammer Chronicles 2004 page 116
Do Ethereal units block line of sight?URL Copied!
Yes. The ethereal special rules specifically state "ethereal creatures block line of sight normally".
Source: Vampire Counts Army Book page 28
Can a Banshee scream into close combat she isn't participating in?URL Copied!
She can target any one unit in range; no exceptions are listed.
Source: Warhammer Chronicles 2004 page 116
Can a Banshee always move up to 12 inches?URL Copied!
Yes. The answer is based on the following: 1) The Banshee has a special rule called "Single Model" which indicates that she is treated as a character on foot for movement and when targeted by missiles. 2) The Laws of Undeath for the Vampire Counts army indicate that a character on foot may always make march moves. 3) The Unit Strength and Single Model's Movement chart in Warhammer Chronicles 2003 indicates that single roughly man sized models on foot move "As Skirmishers". Regarding movement, units which move "As Skirmishers" have no need to turn or wheel, can pivot on the spot with no penalty, and have a 360 degree arc of sight for charges, etc. They do not incur penalties for difficult terrain/obstacles, and can march even if within 8" of enemies at the beginning of the turn.
Source: Vampire Counts Army Book pages 25, 28 / Warhammer Chronicles 2004 page 114
Do spells, abilities, magic items, etc. which negate or otherwise affect magic items have an impact on Bloodline powers?URL Copied!
No. While they count against the magic item allowance for characters, Bloodline Powers are NOT defined as magic items.
Source: Vampire Counts Army Book page 52 / Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation
Can Ghouls flee from a charge?URL Copied!
Yes. Ghouls are not classified as Undead. They have their own special rule called "Alive!" which does not prohibit them from fleeing from a charge.
Source: Vampire Counts Army Book page 27
In a Vampire Counts army that includes Dogs of War or Regiments of Renown units, do the DoW / RoR units have to take panic checks for the destruction of nearby Undead units?URL Copied!
Yes. No exemption to taking panic checks for DoW / RoR units has been granted in the Vampire Counts Army Book. While the units may be "Undead" they are still considered "friendly" units for purposes of Panic.
Source: Rulebook page 80
Is it legal for a living character, such as a Dark Emissary, to join an Undead unit? Likewise, is it legal for an Undead character to join a living unit, such as Dogs of War pikemen?URL Copied!
The intention of the rules is that no, Undead units cannot be joined by non-Undead characters and vice versa. This is the reason that everything in the Vampire Counts book is Undead (why Necromancers are Undead in his edition, for instance) - the only exception (and i'm talking main list here, not the appendix variant lists) being Ghouls - where it is explicitly stated that they cannot be joined by Characters for just this reason.
Source: Anthony Reynolds - Warhammer Design Team
Where can I find the rules for the Vampire characters, Vlad & Isabella Von Carstein?URL Copied!
In the Warhammer Annual 2002.
Source: Warhammer Annual 2002 page 61
Can a unit be affected by Vanhel's Danse Macabre more than once in a magic phase?URL Copied!
Yes it can.
Source: July 2002 Q&A Update on the Warhammer Chronicles website
How does the spell Hand of Dust work? The text mentions a hit roll at first, but speaks of a wound later, so is a wound roll needed or just the hit roll?URL Copied!
Only a roll to hit is needed.
Source: Warhammer Chronicles 2004 page 116
When summoning a new unit of undead with the Invocation of Nehek do you have to nominate the location where you will be placing them before rolling to cast/opponent tries to dispel?URL Copied!
No. It specifically states in the spell "once the spell is cast, choose any point within 18" and place one model on it".
Source: Anthony Reynolds - Warhammer Design Team (Online Q&A on the Games Workshop Warhammer Forum)
Can the Invocation of Nehek be used to add width to the formation of the target unit?URL Copied!
This question is not specifically answered in the Vampire Counts Army book, but has been answered in the Tomb Kings Army Book under Djedra's Incantation of Summoning (which we recommend adopting for use with the Invocation of Nehek) as follows: "Rank and file models are added to the front rank until the front rank reaches at least four models. Then additional models may be added to either the front rank or they can be added to create rear ranks. If the unit already has more than one rank, new models can only be added to rear ranks."
Source: Tomb Kings Army Book page 35 / Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation
A Necromancer cast Invocation of Nehek and raised a new unit consisting of 7 Skeletons. Later in that same magic phase, a Master Necromancer cast Invocation of Nehek at the newly raised unit and added 11 additional models to the unit bringing it to a total of 18 skeletons. Is the Victory points value of the new unit based on the initial 7 Skeletons or the total of 18 Skeletons?URL Copied!
The Victory points value of the new unit is based on the initial 7 Skeletons. Invocation of Nehek indicates to immediately calculate and record the Victory points value of the new unit when it is created.
Source: Vampire Counts Army Book page 58
Does the Black Periapt allow you to store one of your opponent's unused magic dice?URL Copied!
The Black Periapt allows you to swipe a single unused magic die (your opponent's or your own) at the end of one Magic Phase and make use of it in the next one.
Source: Gav Thorpe - Warhammer Design Team / US White Dwarf #281 page 38
In the Staff of Damnation description it states that all Undead units within 12 inches are affected by Hellish Vigour. If the enemy is Undead, does it affect them also?URL Copied!
No. The staff only affects your own units.
Source: Anthony Reynolds - Warhammer Design Team (Online Q&A on the Games Workshop Warhammer Forum)
Do Wristbands of Black Gold work for the wearer and his mount, like the Chaos magic item Golden Eye of Tzeentch... since both items cost the same amount of points, I imagine they should but I can't see this anywhere in the Vampire Counts book.URL Copied!
No. Items like this only work for the mount as well if specifically stated.
Source: Warhammer Chronicles 2004 page 117
Necrarch and Lahmian Vambires can't wear mundane armour. They shouldn't be allowed to wear magical ones either. But some it specifically says for magical armour that Necrarch and Lahmian Vampires can't wear them. What about the other magical armours? Can you specify which armour each Bloodline can wear?URL Copied!
Oops. A Lahmian or Necrarch cannot choose any armour, mundane or magical.
Source: Warhammer Chronicles 2004 page 116
Do Wights on foot armed with Wight Blades and mundane shields qualify for the hand weapon and shield bonus in close combat?URL Copied!
Yes. "Wight Blades" is actually a special rule which applies to the various types of mundane weapons that the Wights carry. If Wights on foot choose to use their hand weapons along with mundane shields, they qualify for the bonus.
Source: Vampire Counts Army Book page 27 / Rulebook page 88
How do magic items which negate the affects of magical weapons interact with Wight Blades?URL Copied!
"Wight Blades" is actually a special rule which applies to the various types of mundane weapons that the Wights carry. The Wight Blades special rule indicates that the mundane weapons carried by the Wights all have the the Killing Blow special ability attached to them. The Wight Blades special rule also makes the mundane weapons carried by Wights count as "magical" for purposes of being able to wound ethereal creatures, able to hit certain characters who are protected by magical armour, etc. but they still retain their mundane property. So a magical item which negates the affects of magical weapons would stop the attacks from Wights counting as "magical", but would not stop the Killing Blow ability attached to them.
Source: Vampire Counts Army Book page 27 / Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation
How does the High Magic spell, Vaul's Unmaking affect Wight Blades?URL Copied!
It doesn't. Vaul's Unmaking only affects Magic Items. Wight Blades are not magic items.
Source: Vampire Counts Army Book page 27 / Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation
How do spells which destroy mundane weapons, such as the Lore of Metal spell, Bane of Forged Steel (as amended in Warhammer Chronicles 2004), affect Wights?URL Copied!
As the "Wight Blades" special rule states that the Killing Blow and the ability of the weapons to count as magical are attached to the mundane weapons carried by the Wights, the Wights would no longer benefit from either of those special rules. In additon, as they would be striking with their fists, they would not receive any strength bonuses from weapons or be able to receive the +1 Armour Save bonus for using a hand weapon and shield.
Source: Vampire Counts Army Book page 27 / Warhammer Chronicles 2004 page 122 / Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation
If a Grave Marker scatters into the enemy's deployment zone, may I place it there?URL Copied!
Source: October 2004 Issue of White Dwarf Magazine (US #297 / UK #298)
What happens if there is a unit on top of a Grave Marker?URL Copied!
At least one model being raised must be within 6" of the marker, and no model may be within 1" of an enemy unit. If it is not possible, to position a newly raised unit as such, no unit may be raised. If the raised models are being added to an existing unit, then at least part of the existing unit must be within 6" of the Grave Marker.
Source: October 2004 Issue of White Dwarf Magazine (US #297 / UK #298)
When raising a new unit of Dire Wolves with the Wolf Lord Bloodline power, do you still need to summon five or more wolves for the spell to work?URL Copied!
Yes. Just as when trying to raise any other unit, if less than five models are created, the spell has failed to work and no models are placed on the table.
Source: October 2004 Issue of White Dwarf Magazine (US #297 / UK #298)
If a Von Carstein Vampire (from the Army of Sylvania) casts Invocation of Nehek, does he raise Militia/Levy or regular units from the Vampire Counts book?URL Copied!
In an Army of Sylvania, replace Skeleton units with Sylvanian Militia units and Zombie units with Sylvanian Levy units when casting Invocation of Nehek. These units may be armed with any option allowed to Militia or Levy units (e.g. a Militia unit would have light armour and could be armed with a spear and shield, a halberd and shield, or a crossbow).
Source: October 2004 Issue of White Dwarf Magazine (US #297 / UK #298)
The equipment options for Sylvanian Militia are a bit unclear. Is it "spear and shield, or halberd and no shield" or "shield plus either spear or halberd"?URL Copied!
Sylvanian Militia come with light armour and shield, and either a spear or a halberd.
Source: October 2004 Issue of White Dwarf Magazine (US #297 / UK #298)
Can Sylvanian Militia armed with crossbows, shoot on the turn they are raised?URL Copied!
Yes, unless they were moved in the same magic phase via Vanhels Danse Macarbre, Sylvanian Milita may fire their crossbows on the turn they are raised. Note that models raised via Invocation of Nehek do not count as having moved.
Source: Vampire Counts Army Book page 58 / Mat Ward - Warhammer Design Team
Do Sylvania Militia and Levy also come equipped with hand weapons?URL Copied!
Yes. All models are considered to have hand weapons, unless it is specifically noted otherwise (e.g. the unit's entry would have to state that the unit is not armed with hand weapons, or only armed with claws, etc.)
Source: Warhammer Chronicles 2004 page 121 / Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation
Can an Army of Sylvania army hire Dogs of War / Regiments of Renown units?URL Copied!
No. Dogs of War / Regiments of Renown are not listed as an option in the army list.
Source: Storm of Chaos Book page 88 / Mat Ward - Warhammer Design Team
May Mannfred Von Carstein be included in an Army of Sylvania?URL Copied!
Yes! He is the ruler of Sylvania at the time of the campaign.
Source: Storm of Chaos Army Book page 82 / Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation
If Mannfred Von Carstein is included in a Sylvania army, how does he interact with the Army of Sylvania special rules?URL Copied!
Mannfred counts as one Von Carstein Vampire Lord for Grave Marker purposes. While including him in an army takes up a Lord and two hero slots, he does NOT satisfy the 1+ Von Carstein Vampire Thrall requirement.
Source: Vampire Counts Army Book page 70 / Storm of Chaos Army Book page 88 / Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation
May an army chosen from the Army of Sylvania list include Vlad & Isabella Von Carstein (Warhammer Annual 2002 page 61) as special characters?URL Copied!
No. No reference is made to Vlad or Isabella in the Storm of Chaos materials and the realm of Sylvania was different during the reign of Vlad & Isabella than it was during the Storm of Chaos campaign. When fielding Vlad & Isabella it is recommended that players use the Von Carstein appendix army list in the Vampire Counts Army book as it represents the make-up of the army of Sylvania during their reign.
Source: Storm of Chaos Book / Warhammer Annual 2002 page 61 / Vampire Counts Army Book page 78 / Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation