That would come under "voluntary tests". By the strict letter of the rules, only casualties in the enemy magic and shooting phases apply. However, as well known, friendly fire isn't friendly at all, and I would probably take a panic test if one of my units suffered self-inflicted casualties in this way.
Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 6th Edition
Skaven - Frequently Asked QuestionsURL Copied!
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When a unit sustains 25% or more casualties from friendly fire (e.g. from Skaven Life is Cheap fire, scattering template weapons, etc.) does the unit have to take a Panic check at the end of the phase?URL Copied!
Source: Gav Thorpe - Warhammer Design Team
Can a unit of Jezzails cause a Panic test on themselves?URL Copied!
Generally no, but the Skaven player could voluntarily take a panic test for it at his discretion. See Gav Thorpe's Q&A on panic tests from misfires above.
Source: Gav Thorpe - Warhammer Design Team / Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation
If, say, a unit of Jezzails causes a Panic test on itself, where does it run to?URL Copied!
Towards the nearest table edge.
Source: Warhammer Chronicles 2004 page 117
Are you really allowed to have the same model as your General and your Battle Standard Bearer?URL Copied!
No, the usual paragraph preventing this was omitted by mistake.
Source: Warhammer Chronicles 2004 page 117
Life is Cheap rule: On a result of 1-3 the hit is resolved against one randomly determined unit among those in close combat with the target, and on a result of 4-6 the bit is resolved against the intended target. Does the random roll after the 1-3 result also include the originally intended target thus giving a 75% chance to hit it?URL Copied!
No. The target unit is not "among those in combat with the target", it IS the target! Each hit is allocated randomly among all units fighting in close combat against the target on a result of 1-3.
Source: Warhammer Chronicles 2004 page 117 / Alessio Cavatore - Warhammer Design Team
Can Packmasters in rear ranks use their whips to attack enemy models to their flank? Or only to thier front?URL Copied!
They cannot use their whips to their flank as the description of the whips states "...used in a similar way to a spear, allowing the bearer to make one Attack (regardless of the model's number of Attacks) through a unit..." As models in rear ranks of a unit armed with spears may only attack models to their front, whips are treated the same way.
Source: Skaven Army Book page 32 / Rulebook page 89 / Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation
Do Poison Wind Globes count as Poisoned Attacks?URL Copied!
No. The hand-to-hand attacks are not poisoned, and the globes are shooting weapons with their own rules.
Source: Warhammer Chronicles 2004 page 117
Does a Skaven Warplock Pistol that rolls a "1" to hit, regardless of whether it is used in the Shooting phase, while performing a Stand and Shoot charge reaction, or being used in Close Combat, suffer from a misfire result?URL Copied!
Yes. If you roll a "1" to hit while shooting in your turn or as part of a Stand and Shoot reaction, or in the first round of close combat while using the pistol as an extra hand weapon, it will qualify as a misfire.
Source: Skaven Army Book pages 27, 32 / Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation
Do Rat Swarms have a Unit Strength of 3 per base or 5?URL Copied!
Unit Strength 3.
Source: Warhammer Chronicles 2004 page 117
Where can I find the rules for the character, Queek Head-Taker, Skaven Warlord?URL Copied!
In Warhammer Chronicles 2003.
Source: Warhammer Chronicles 2003 page 118
Where can I find the rules for the character, Deathmaster Snikch, Chief Assassin of Clan Eshin?
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In White Dwarf Magazine.
Source: US White Dwarf #295 page 44 / UK White Dwarf #296 page 26
If a weapon team is destroyed by shooting or magic while within 4" of a unit, does it cause a Panic test on the unit(s) within 4" of it?URL Copied!
No. This was amended in Warhammer Chronicles. Individual models with less than 5 wounds on their original profile no longer cause panic if killed from magic or shooting.
Source: Rulebook page 81 / Warhammer Chronicles 2004 page 125
Can Skaven weapon teams stand & fire at regiments that charge their parent units?URL Copied!
Source: Warhammer Chronicles 2004 page 117
If a weapon team's parent unit flees, does the weapon team flee as well?URL Copied!
No (unless it panics, of course).
Source: Warhammer Chronicles 2004 page 117
Does the Cavalry Base special rule mean that weapons teams can be targeted by shooting even when within 5" of a unit because they are on a larger base?URL Copied!
No. It says on page 26 ' •they cannot be singled out as targets by enemy shooters because they are the same size as the other Skaven around them.'
Source: Warhammer Chronicles 2004 page 117
It states in the book that some Skaven units are treated exactly like cavalry. Does that mean that the Screaming Bell can affect them as it does cavalry? Does it mean that spells which affect cavalry units affect these Skaven units in the same war?URL Copied!
No. They are not affected by spells that affect cavalry because these spells generally speak of targeting the mounts (ie, scaring horses).
Source: Warhammer Chronicles 2004 page 117
The rules for Skaven weapon teams are a bit confusing in that it states that it "protects them from missile weapons and "magic" using the same limitations as targeting lone characters". Does the use of the word "magic" in this context refer to "Magic Missiles" (e.g. was Alessio trying to just remind players to treat magic missiles as shooting) or magic in general (e.g. does this exempt Skaven weapon teams from being targeted by spells such as Forked Lightning, etc.)URL Copied!
If a spell/ magic item has particular abilities/ limitations against lone characters, these apply to weapon teams as well. It does not mean apply the shooting rules to magic. Skaven weapon teams may be targeted by spells such as Forked Lightining, etc. as normal.
Source: Gav Thorpe - Warhammer Design Team
Can you declare a charge on a Warp-lightning Cannon from anywhere and force it to flee?URL Copied!
No. The rules say you can't declare charge if you're not relatively confident to reach the target.
Source: Rulebook page 265 / Alessio Cavatore - Warhammer Design Team
How do you resolve a hit from the Warp-lightning Cannon vs. a model with multiple parts?URL Copied!
In the description of the Warp-lightning Cannon it states "Determine which MODELS are hit in the same way as you would do for the bounce of a cannon ball, except that all MODELS (friends and foe) lying along the entire line's length are hit. There is not need to randomize hits if the line goes through MODELS engaged with close combat with the enemy, all MODELS lying under the line are hit, as simple as that (note that this is an exception to the normal rules for shooting in close combat)" The cannon rules state: "If a cannonball hits a MODEL with several parts then resolve which part of the MODEL is hit just as shooting with bows, etc." This means that if the Warp-lightning Cannon hits a character riding a monster it must randomize as normal (1-4 monster, 5-6 character) and if it hits a chariot it must randomize as normal (1-5 chariot, 6 character).
Source: Skaven Army Book page 29 / Rulebook pages 103, 122, 127
Is the Skaven crew of a Warp-lightning Cannon assumed to always have line of sight to the Casket of Souls (since they can see anywhere on the battlefield) or can the Skaven blaver pick and choose when the crew is looking through the cannon sight? In the same vein, does it mean enemy scouts cannot use their Scouting rule?URL Copied!
No, and no. The cannon is assumed to be able to see through terrain during the Shooting phase only. At all other times, it counts as conforming to normal line of sight rules.
Source: Warhammer Chronicles 2004 page 118
Is the Skaven Warp-lightning Cannon a missile attack, and so can be stopped by an anti-missile magic item (ie, Banner of Doom or special Ward saves)?URL Copied!
Source: Warhammer Chronicles 2004 page 118
Does a Warp-lightning Cannon count as a war machine or a chariot for things like deployment and Unit Strength?URL Copied!
A war machine with three crew.
Source: Warhammer Chronicles 2004 page 117
What happens if a Warp-lightning Cannon is forced to become engaged in combat, such as if the Slaanesh spell Delicious Excruciation was cast on them (making them Unbreakable, and as such unable to flee from a charge)?URL Copied!
If for any reason the Warp-lightning Cannon is engaged in combat, it is immediately destroyed and the enemy unit can overrun as normal).
Source: Warhammer Chronicles 2004 page 117
Does the Warp-lightning Cannon affects 1 model per rank (or row) only, like a regular cannon, or all models the line touches?URL Copied!
As a cannon.
Source: Anthony Reynolds - Warhammer Design Team (Online Q&A on the Games Workshop Warhammer Forum)
What happens if a Tunnelling Team emerges directly below a fear-causing enemy unit and fails its Fear test?URL Copied!
It doesn't need to take a Fear test, as it will *automatically engage it in close combat on the side closest to the marker( the team counts as charging)'. As it 'automatically engages', it does not need to take a Fear test.
Source: Warhammer Chronicles 2004 page 118
Does a Tunnelling Team need to test for terror if it emerges close to a terror-causing creature? (Both testing for terror and emerging from tunnels happen at the start of the turn, so which one occurs first?)URL Copied!
Yes, an emerging Tunnelling Team must take Terror tests on the turn they arrive. You could imagine it would be rather unnerving to emerge from a hole and find yourself at a Dragon's feet.
Source: Warhammer Chronicles 2004 page 118
Can a unit of Gutter Runners which purchased the Tunneling ability elect to not use the ability and deploy as Scouts?URL Copied!
Yes they may deploy as Scouts. In the Tunneling description it states they "can" use their Tunneling ability, it doesn't say they "must". As all Gutter Runners are classified as Scouts, Tunneling Teams retain the ability to Scout.
Source: Skaven Army Book page 19
Can a Grey Seer cast non-line of sight spells when leading from the back?URL Copied!
Yes, you can cast spells that do not require seeing the target.
Source: Alessio Cavatore - Warhammer Design Team
If Warp-Lightning is cast, but then found to be out of range, can the caster still accidentally wound himself?URL Copied!
Yes. In this case, the roll to see how many hits are caused should still be made "any roll of 1 will hit the caster", any other roll is ignored.
Source: Anthony Reynolds - Warhammer Design Team (Online Q&A on the Games Workshop Warhammer Forum)
What happens if Death Frenzy is cast upon a fleeing unit?URL Copied!
The unit will continue to flee. However, if the unit rallies, it will then count as being frenzied.
Source: Anthony Reynolds - Warhammer Design Team (Online Q&A on the Games Workshop Warhammer Forum)
If you die from using a Warpstone Token but successfully cast the spell, would the effects of the spell still go off?URL Copied!
Best thing to do would be to roll a D6 for it. Sometimes a spell is cast, sometimes not.
Source: Warhammer Chronicles 2004 page 117
Does Skitterleap count as movement for the purposes of shooting?URL Copied!
Being sensible, yes.
Source: Warhammer Chronicles 2004 page 117
Can you Skitterleap a character out of a fleeing unit?URL Copied!
Source: Anthony Reynolds - Warhammer Design Team (Online Q&A on the Games Workshop Warhammer Forum)
Can you Skitterleap a character into a friendly unit?URL Copied!
Source: Anthony Reynolds - Warhammer Design Team (Online Q&A on the Games Workshop Warhammer Forum)
Can you Skitterleap a character into a friendly unit engaged in hand-to-hand combat at all?URL Copied!
Source: Anthony Reynolds - Warhammer Design Team (Online Q&A on the Games Workshop Warhammer Forum)
Can a Skaven character take multiple Warpstorm Scrolls or Warp Scrolls? Can a Skaven army include multiple Warpstorm Scrolls or Warp Scrolls?URL Copied!
A single character may only take one of these scrolls as their description classifies them as "Bound Spells" and a character cannot have more than one Bound Spell item. Note however that as they are also classified as Scrolls, you can take both a Warpstone or Warp Scroll and another Arcane Item. Also, as opposed to ordinary magic items, every Grey Seer or Warlock in the army can bring a Warpstone Scroll or Warp Scroll to the battle, as Scrolls are not considered to be unique.
Source: Skaven Army Book page 38 / Rulebook page 153 / Anthony Reynolds - Warhammer Design Team (Online Q&A on the Games Workshop Warhammer Forum)
Can you buy a Warpstone Token for a Plague Priest with the Liber Bubonicus?URL Copied!
Yes - with the Liber Bubonicus, he becomes a Wizard (and so can use items from the Arcane Items list).
Source: Warhammer Chronicles 2004 page 117
Can the Tenebrous Cloak protect against rolling a 1 with the Warp Lightning spell?URL Copied!
Source: Warhammer Chronicles 2004 page 117
Would the Umbranner's Ward save kick in against a Bolt Thrower after it has successfully gone through two ranks (down to Strength 4)?URL Copied!
Source: Warhammer Chronicles 2004 page 117
Do you roll for the Storm Banner to burn out every player turn I trigger it at the beginning of mv turn, then roll to see if it burns out at the beginning of your next turn, then my next, etc), or just on each of my turns? I note that in the Skaven battle report on the Games Workshop website, it appears as if it is the latter option.URL Copied!
It is rolled every player's turn.
Source: Warhammer Chronicles 2004 page 117
What is the correct description of the Storm Banner?URL Copied!
One use only. This ancient and tattered banner has the power to wrack the sky with storms, tearing the heavens apart with its fury. The banner can be activated at the beginning of any player's turn. No flying movement is allowed and all missile fire is at -2 to hit. All war machines and other ranged attacks that do not use BS may only fire if the player first rolls a 4+ on a D6 (roll for each model). Magic missiles and other ranged spells are not affected. Roll a D6 at the beginning of each player's subsequent turns - on a roll of 1 or 2, the power of the banner is exhausted and it no longer has any effect for the remainder of the battle.
Source: Skaven Army Book page 39 / Warhammer Chronicles 2004 page 126
Do the corrected Storm Banner rules (White Dwarf 272) mean that Ratling Guns, Warpfire Throwers and Warp-lightning Cannons only work on a 4+?URL Copied!
Yes, since the text doesn't mention enemy only, and they are war machines that don't use BS.
Source: Warhammer Chronicles 2004 page 118
On a Skaven Screaming Bell result of 8 or 13 do you treat the Tomb Kings army as if the Hierophant, and not the General, has been destroyed?URL Copied!
Source: Anthony Reynolds - Warhammer Design Team
If an 11-12 result is rolled when ringing the Screaming Bell (Skaven units become subject to hatred) does a Skaven unit already engaged in combat get to re-roll failed hits?URL Copied!
Only if it is in the first round of combat - the normal rules for hatred still apply.
Source: Warhammer Chronicles 2004 page 117
Does an Undead General have to test under a result of 13 on the Screaming Bell chart?URL Copied!
No, as the General is a character and Undead characters never suffer wounds because of a dead General.
Source: Warhammer Chronicles 2004 page 117
If the Screaming Bell rolls 16, are units not vet on the table (tunnellers, units pursuing out of the table units, etc) affected?URL Copied!
No, as they are not on the battlefield when the effect takes place.
Source: Warhammer Chronicles 2004 page 118
If your Grey Seer riding the Screaming Bell is killed, is there any reason why the striker can't continue to ring the bell?URL Copied!
No, the striker can continue to hit the bell.
Source: Warhammer Chronicles 2004 page 117
Can a Grey Seer on a Screaming Bell use a Warpstone Charm to re-roll the roll for ringing the Screaming Bell?URL Copied!
No. It is not directly affecting the Grey Seer he is not the one ringing the bell!
Source: Warhammer Chronicles 2004 page 117
If a Bolt Thrower killed a Grey Seer on a Screaming Bell, or destroyed the Screaming Bell, would the bolt continue through the ranks of Clanrats?URL Copied!
No, as the shooter could choose to aim at the unit OR the large target (the Screaming Bell and the Grey Seer). The Screaming Bell and the Clanrats are two separate targets (though a Cannon could hit both).
Source: Warhammer Chronicles 2004 page 117
The rules for Under Cover of Darkness say that "You cannot shoot, charge, or cast spells at targets you cannot see." Can spells that do not require line of sight still be cast at targets in range?URL Copied!
Yes. This is a line of sight special rule to represent the battle taking place at night - if a spell does not require line of sight, then it may still be cast.
Source: October 2004 Issue of White Dwarf Magazine (US #297 / UK #298)
The rules for Under Cover of Darkness state "At the start of each game turn roll an Artillery dice and multiply the result by three....". Do you generate and apply the results six times in a standard Pitched Battle scenario or twelve times?URL Copied!
Six times. Note that the term "game" turn is used instead of "player" turn. Both players utilize the result for each full game turn.
Source: Phil Kelly - Warhammer Design Team
May a Clan Eshin model use the Skitterleap spell to effectively charge an enemy unit in a zone that the Clan Eshin model would not be able to during a normal on foot charge? For example, may a Clan Eshin Assassin starting in the front zone of an enemy unit be placed in base to base contact with a model in the flank or rear zone of the enemy unit using the Skitterleap spell?URL Copied!
Yes to both.
Source: Phil Kelly - Warhammer Design Team
If a Clan Eshin Master Assassin is equipped with the Fellblade, does the increase to Strength 10 conferred by the blade only apply to close combat attacks, or does the Strength increase also apply to his throwing stars?URL Copied!
It only applies to his close combat attacks.
Source: Phil Kelly - Warhammer Design Team
If a Clan Eshin Master Assassin is equipped with the Fellblade and he is currently "Hidden" (per the rules on page 18 of the Skaven book) does the Assassin have to roll each turn to see if he takes a wound from the Fellblade?URL Copied!
Source: Phil Kelly - Warhammer Design Team
If all of the Clan Eshin units engaged in a multiple combat are equipped with Smoke Bombs, can the Smoke Bombs be utilized if one or more of the units has to flee from the combat?URL Copied!
No, they may not be used.
Source: Phil Kelly - Warhammer Design Team