A character can be picked out if they are the closest 'target'. Target means a unit that the shooting models are allowed to shoot at, and so would not normally include units in combat, and certainly doesn't include units that are out of line of sight. Of course, this can make things difficult for Skaven, but that's what happens when you give a rat a machine-gun.
Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 6th Edition
Shooting - Frequently Asked QuestionsURL Copied!
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If a character is further away than a friendly unit in combat, can they be targeted with shooting?URL Copied!
Source: Warhammer Chronicles 2004 page 112
Can models behind the first rank see large targets and shoot at them?URL Copied!
Yes they can.
Source: Warhammer Chronicles 2004 page 112
The clarification on targeting characters mounted on monsters has caused a few problems. So, when does a monster count as being bigger than cavalry? For example, the Empire Pegasus comes with a 40mm base, but a Wood Elf Unicorn has a cavalry base.URL Copied!
In general the rules for which base size a model has is simple - the one that it comes with! Yes, some difficulty arises because over the years monsters have been mounted on a variety of base sizes. As we go through the Armies books and miniatures range, all monsters will eventually be packaged with 40mm or 50mm bases. Any mount with more than 1 Wound is a monster (or a larger than man-sized single model such as a Doombull) and is treated as being larger than cavalry for the purposes of targeting. Anything that is a 'large target' is bigger than anything else, including other monsters. If you have monsters on cavalry bases to fit with your units, we suggest you mount them on 50mm bases (like Daemonic Mounts and Tyrion's Malhandir). This helps the unit rank up more easily. If they are normally fielded as independent models, such as a Pegasus, a 40mm base is fine. Except for the fact that a 50mm base will contact more models in combat, models on 40mm and 50mm bases are treated as the same size unless they are a large target.
Source: Warhammer Chronicles 2004 page 112
For purposes of targeting characters, are Models on 20mm and 25mm square bases treated as the same size?URL Copied!
Yes. Both base sizes are used for characters considered to be roughly man sized and on foot and are treated as the same size for purposes of targeting.
Source: Warhammer Chronicles 2004 page 114 / Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation
Can single models that are smaller than the unit they are adjacent to (e.g. a single character on foot adjacent to a unit of 5+ cavalry models) claim the "proximity" rule and thus be protected from standard shooting attacks?URL Copied!
Yes. A character in close proximity to a rank and file unit of 5+ models can only be singled out if he is larger. Note that the only current specific exemptions to the "proximity" rule discuss a larger model.
Source: Rulebook pages 97, 98 / Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation
If a character model joins a unit of 5+ rank and file models of a larger size (e.g. an Orc Big Boss joining a unit of 7 Trolls) can he be picked out as a target for standard shooting attacks or is he "protected"?URL Copied!
He is protected. There are no rules that state that the rank and file models providing the "protection" can't be larger.
Source: Rulebook pages 97, 98 / Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation
Can models outside the range of missiles (mundane or magical) be killed?URL Copied!
Yes. In Warhammer, the targeting and the removal of casualties is done on a unit basis rather than on an individual model basis as in other game systems. This means that as long as one model in a target unit is within range of the firing/casting models, then the entire target unit is subject to being killed. Note however that it is the owning player who removes casualties from his units. Casualties are removed from the back ranks of ranked units, and as the owning player wishes in regards to skirmishing units. This means that the owning player may remove casualties from the back of skirmishing units in order to preserve those models that are closest to the enemy.
Source: Rulebook pages 58, 65
With "Multiple Shots" missile weapons that have three (or more) multiple shots, do you simply apply a -1 to hit modifier to each of the shots, or is the -1 modifier cumulative (e.g. -1 for the second shot, -2 for the third shot, etc.)?URL Copied!
Simply apply a -1 modifier to each of the shots. No specific mention or example of the penalty being cumulative exists.
Source: Rulebook page 90 / Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation
Can a non-deviating template such as dragon breath target an enemy unit engaged in close combat, if the template can be positioned to not hit the friendly unit?URL Copied!
No, you can't target an enemy unit engaged in hand-to-hand combat (except for special rules like Skaven).
Source: Anthony Reynolds - Warhammer Design Team (Online Q&A on the Games Workshop Warhammer Forum)
Do flame template weapons such as breath weapons, blunderbusses and the steam cannon require line of sight?URL Copied!
Source: Warhammer Chronicles 2004 page 112
A throwing axe has two different ranges listed. I assume that 6" is correct (from pages 93 & 94 of the Warhammer rulebook) rather than 4" (from page 58).URL Copied!
Yes, 6" is correct.
Source: Warhammer Chronicles 2004 page 112
Fleeing units move in a disorganised mass ignoring obstacles/terrain. They seem to follow all the rules of skirmishers. Does this mean that like skirmishers, shooting at them is at -1 to hit?URL Copied!
No. They don't really follow any of the rules of skirmishers, they merely ignore terrain while they are running frantically (and randomly)!
Source: Anthony Reynolds - Warhammer Design Team (Online Q&A on the Games Workshop Warhammer Forum)
If shooting a bolt thrower at a fleeing unit will I have the possibility to penetrate ranks? They move in a loose formation so how should I determine which zone the bolt thrower is shooting in?URL Copied!
A bolt thrower shooting at a fleeing unit will only ever hit one model.
Source: Anthony Reynolds - Warhammer Design Team (Online Q&A on the Games Workshop Warhammer Forum)
When shooting a Bolt Thrower at a unit of skirmishers, can you hit more than one skirmisher model?URL Copied!
No. Skirmishers do not form into ranks outside of close combat and thus the maximum amount of models that can be hit by a Bolt Thrower is one. Note that a skirmish unit is required to adopt the loose skirmish formation as soon as combat ends.
Source: Rulebook pages 116, 124
A skirmishing unit with two models outside of the woods, and the rest in the woods are shot at by a unit of archers. Does the skirmishing unit count as being in soft cover?URL Copied!
No. Having part of your unit out of cover is like being a little bit pregnant. Either you're completely in cover or you're not. If the unit shooting has line of sight to any models that aren't in cover, the unit being shot at can be targeted without the cover penalty. The same answer would apply if the situation involved a ranked unit with the front rank outside of the woods and the remainder of the unit inside of the woods.
Source: Rulebook page 62 / Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation
In a situation where a character with a missile weapon is riding a creature with a shooting attack, such as a breath weapon, may the rider and mount pick different targets or must they shoot at the same target?URL Copied!
In general, the normal rules for shooting apply. If there is a unit which can be reached by the shooting attack with the shortest range, the model cannot Divide Shots. Otherwise (i.e., no unit can be reached by both shooting attacks) the Divide Shots rule applies and the shooting attacks can choose different targets. Note that if the only target within range of the breath weapon and the missile weapon is a single model, the Divide Shots rule also applies and the shooting attacks can choose different targets.
Source: Rulebook pages 61,114 / Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation