Unfortunately, due to circumstances outside of my control, the final Ogre Kingdoms Q&As have been delayed. I can not predict when they will be released.
Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 6th Edition
Ogre Kingdoms - Frequently Asked QuestionsURL Copied!
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When will the final Ogre Kingdoms Q&As from the Studio be released?URL Copied!
Source: Phil Kelly - Warhammer Design Team
When a Butcher reads a dispel scroll, does it automatically dispel all of the Gut Magic spells he has in play?URL Copied!
No. After further thought and discussion, I have reversed the ruling originally issued in the "Sneak Peak" FAQ on the GW Warhammer Forum.
Source: Phil Kelly - Warhammer Design Team
Can a Tyrant, Bruiser, or Hunter equipped with heavy or light armour (note all three characters come with light armour as standard equipment) also wear the Bullgut or Gut Maw? Or does selecting the Bullgut or Gut Maw replace their mundane body armour (and leave them with only a 6+ armour save)?URL Copied!
They may be equipped with the Bullgut or Gut Maw in addition to their mundane body armour. For example, a Tyrant equipped with Heavy Armour and the Gut Maw has a 4+ armour save.
Source: Phil Kelly - Warhammer Design Team
Where can I find the Rules for Rhinox Cavalry?URL Copied!
In White Dwarf Magazine.
Source: White Dwarf Magazine (US September 2005 Issue #308 / UK September 2005 Issue #309)
Where the rules released in White Dwarf for the Rhinox Cavalry suppose to be given the "Official" tag or are these "Organizer Discretion" (as per Gav's previous comments in regards to the Arch Lector of Sigmar) in regards to tournaments?URL Copied!
As with all rules published in White Dwarf, if you want to use them at a tournament you should check with the tournament organiser first.
Source: Phil Kelly - Warhammer Design Team
How many character slots does Ghark Ironskin take up?URL Copied!
Ghark's rules should include the following: "Ghark Ironskin takes up a Lord and a Hero choice".
Source: Phil Kelly - Warhammer Design Team
What is the correct BS for a Bruiser? The Bestiary on page 23 indicates that he has a BS of 4, while his entry in the army list on page 69 and in the summary on page 80 indicate that he has a BS of 3.URL Copied!
The Bruiser has a BS of 3. Bruisers are much better at hitting things with their fists than with complex weaponry.
Source: "Sneak Peak" Ogre Kingdoms FAQ from Games Workshop Warhammer Forum
Does the phrase "fired exactly like a bolt thrower" mean that armour saves are not allowed for hits from a Harpoon Launcher and each model wounded by it sustains D3 wounds? Does it mean that a Hunter is allowed to pivot on the spot, without penalty, prior to firing a Harpoon Launcher?URL Copied!
Yes in all cases. The Harpoon Launcher allows no armour saves, inflicts D3 wounds, and the Hunter may pivot before firing provided he is not accompanied by Sabretusks.
Source: "Sneak Peak" Ogre Kingdoms FAQ from Games Workshop Warhammer Forum
Is it correct that as the rules for the Harpoon Launcher do not include the term "Move-or-Fire", the Hunter is allowed to move and shoot with it?URL Copied!
No, the Hunter may not move and fire with his Harpoon Launcher - he must take time to reload it just as if it were a crossbow.
Source: "Sneak Peak" Ogre Kingdoms FAQ from Games Workshop Warhammer Forum
Why does the Hunter have "Bull Charge" listed as a special rule in his profile on page 69 of the army list and in the summary on page 80? If he charges at a target alongside both of his Sabretusks, does he cause an impact hit?URL Copied!
This is simply for completeness, the Hunter is an Ogre and therefore could Bull Charge if he weren't such a loner! He does not cause impact hits even when he is with two Sabretusks.
Source: "Sneak Peak" Ogre Kingdoms FAQ from Games Workshop Warhammer Forum
May Sabretusks be released by a Hunter during the Remaining Moves phase? Or must they accompany the Hunter until he releases them for a charge?URL Copied!
They must accompany him until he releases them for a charge or when they are released to pursue a fleeing unit.
Source: "Sneak Peak" Ogre Kingdoms FAQ from Games Workshop Warhammer Forum
The description for Ironfists states that you may choose to use them as either a shield or an additional hand weapon at the start of each combat. May Ironfists also be used as a shield against ranged attacks?URL Copied!
No, they may not.
Source: "Sneak Peak" Ogre Kingdoms FAQ from Games Workshop Warhammer Forum
If a Leadbelcher cannon misfire results in a unit of Leadbelchers losing 25% or more of the unit as casualties, does the unit have to take a panic test?URL Copied!
No, they do not; panic tests for losing 25% of the unit are only incurred from enemy fire (see page 80 of the Warhammer Rulebook).
Source: "Sneak Peak" Ogre Kingdoms FAQ from Games Workshop Warhammer Forum
As Yhetees carry an Ice Weapon in each hand, do they receive +1 attack for being equipped with an additional hand weapon?URL Copied!
No, they do not (not all Yhetee models have two weapons).
Source: "Sneak Peak" Ogre Kingdoms FAQ from Games Workshop Warhammer Forum
Does the Aura of Frost affect friendly models that the Yhetee may be in base to base contact with (e.g. during a combat involving multiple units)?URL Copied!
Yes, the Aura of Frost affects friendly models, but not other Yhetees.
Source: "Sneak Peak" Ogre Kingdoms FAQ from Games Workshop Warhammer Forum
In cases where a Maneater unit includes models with a mix of weapons, is each Maneater allowed to utilize a different weapon from that of other Maneaters in the unit in close combat?URL Copied!
Source: "Sneak Peak" Ogre Kingdoms FAQ from Games Workshop Warhammer Forum
Assuming yes, this may result in Maneaters with different Weapon Skill and Initiative values in the unit. Are we to treat all Maneaters as champions in the respect that attacks must be specifically allocated at them in close combat and wounds suffered in close combat do not carry over onto other models in the unit (i.e. wounds are tracked separately for each Maneater)? Are we to track wounds from shooting and magic separately for each model or does the owning player still have to remove whole models when possible?URL Copied!
No, wounds are transferred as if they were a normal unit of models with multiple wounds and it is up to the owning player which Maneater is removed first. Wounds cannot be spread amongst the unit. For instance, if a unit of Maneaters suffers three wounds from a unit of charging Empire Knights; the owning player might choose to remove a Maneater with a brace of handguns and leave the Ogre with a Great Weapon as he is better equipped to deal with cavalry.
Source: "Sneak Peak" Ogre Kingdoms FAQ from Games Workshop Warhammer Forum
The timing of the measurement to ascertain if a Bad Tempered test is required is not specified. Is this measurement made before, or after normal charges are declared?URL Copied!
After normal charges.
Source: "Sneak Peak" Ogre Kingdoms FAQ from Games Workshop Warhammer Forum
The Gnoblar Scraplauncher does not have the Largely Insignificant rule, was this an oversight or intentional?URL Copied!
This is intentional.
Source: "Sneak Peak" Ogre Kingdoms FAQ from Games Workshop Warhammer Forum
Is a Gnoblar Scraplauncher counted as "Greenskinned" for purposes of hatred, etc.?URL Copied!
Yes it is.
Source: "Sneak Peak" Ogre Kingdoms FAQ from Games Workshop Warhammer Forum
When a Butcher first attempts to cast the Bonecruncher, Toothcracker, or Trollguts spell, does he still suffer the negative effects (hits/wounds) if the spell is successfully dispelled by the enemy?URL Copied!
Source: "Sneak Peak" Ogre Kingdoms FAQ from Games Workshop Warhammer Forum
The Gut Magic rules state that if a Gut Magic spell has already been successfully cast that phase and a second Butcher wishes to cast the same spell, the casting level is doubled. What exactly does "successfully cast" mean in this context? Does it count as "successfully cast" if the casting value is simply met? Or does it only count as "successfully cast" if the spell was not dispelled?URL Copied!
It only counts as "successfully cast" if the casting value was met and the spell was not dispelled.
Source: "Sneak Peak" Ogre Kingdoms FAQ from Games Workshop Warhammer Forum
If a Butcher is killed, are all the Gut Magic spells he has in play removed?URL Copied!
Source: "Sneak Peak" Ogre Kingdoms FAQ from Games Workshop Warhammer Forum
The Gut Magic rules state that each Ogre unit may only have one Gut Magic spell in play upon it at one time. May a Butcher voluntarily end a Gut Magic spell in play? Or may a Butcher cast a new spell upon an Ogre unit with an existing Gut Magic spell in play, as a replacement?URL Copied!
The latter - a Butcher must cast a new spell upon an Ogre unit with an existing Gut Magic spell in play to replace it.
Source: "Sneak Peak" Ogre Kingdoms FAQ from Games Workshop Warhammer Forum
What happens if a lone character with a Gut Magic spell in play upon him joins a unit of Ogres without any Gut Magic spell in play upon them? Does the character continue to benefit from the spell? Does the entire unit now benefit from the Gut Magic spell as well?URL Copied!
The character alone will benefit. If another Gut Magic spell is subsequently cast upon that unit it will replace the current spell effect that the character is under.
Source: "Sneak Peak" Ogre Kingdoms FAQ from Games Workshop Warhammer Forum
If a lone character has a Gut Magic spell in play upon him (e.g. Toothcracker) is he allowed to join a unit of Ogres with a different Gut Magic spell in play upon them (e.g. Trollguts)? If yes, what happens?URL Copied!
No, as he becomes part of that unit and a unit may only have one Gut Magic spell in play at any one time. In the case mentioned above the character would lose the effects of his spell and gain the effects of the spell affecting the unit he has joined.
Source: "Sneak Peak" Ogre Kingdoms FAQ from Games Workshop Warhammer Forum
What happens if a character attached to a unit with a Gut Magic spell in play upon it leaves the unit? Does the character continue to benefit from the spell? If yes, does the unit continue to benefit from the spell as well?URL Copied!
The character no longer benefits from the spell, as it was cast on the unit and he is no longer part of that unit.
Source: "Sneak Peak" Ogre Kingdoms FAQ from Games Workshop Warhammer Forum
The Gut Magic rules state that an opponent may dispel any Gut Magic spell in his "own" magic phase as though it was a Remains in Play spell cast with a Power level of 7. Can an opponent also use excess dispel dice to attempt to dispel Gut Magic spells in play at the end of the Ogre Kingdoms player's subsequent magic phases? If yes, do we also treat the Gut Magic spells in play as Remains in Play spells cast with a Power level of 7?URL Copied!
Yes and yes, though the spells may only be dispelled in this way if they were cast in an earlier magic phase.
Source: "Sneak Peak" Ogre Kingdoms FAQ from Games Workshop Warhammer Forum
It is stated in the rules for Tooth-Gnoblars that sacrificing one adds +1 to the "casting value" of a spell. Should this actually say that you add +1 to the total of the power dice rolled?URL Copied!
Quite correct, it adds one to the total of the power dice.
Source: "Sneak Peak" Ogre Kingdoms FAQ from Games Workshop Warhammer Forum
Do magic items (or abilities) which destroy spells affect Gut Magic spells? If yes, is the spell considered destroyed for all the Butchers on the table, or just forgotten by the Butcher who attempted to cast the spell?URL Copied!
Yes, they affect Gut Magic spells - though they would only affect the Butcher targeted by that effect. So, for instance, a Rune of Spelleating could destroy a Butcher's Trollguts spell, but other Butchers would still know that spell.
Source: "Sneak Peak" Ogre Kingdoms FAQ from Games Workshop Warhammer Forum
Also, if a unit was harmed by a flaming attack early in the game, may a spell with regenerative powers be cast on the unit in a later turn and grant them Regeneration? Or does the fact that they were harmed by a flaming attack prevent them from ever benefiting from the regenerative powers of the spell?URL Copied!
No, they may later benefit from Regeneration as they are not a Regenerating creature at the time of the flaming attack.
Source: "Sneak Peak" Ogre Kingdoms FAQ from Games Workshop Warhammer Forum
Was the omission of the Enchanted Shield from the list of Common Magic Items available to an Ogre Kingdoms army intentional?URL Copied!
Source: "Sneak Peak" Ogre Kingdoms FAQ from Games Workshop Warhammer Forum
Is the Thundermace a "Tyrant Only" magic weapon?URL Copied!
Source: "Sneak Peak" Ogre Kingdoms FAQ from Games Workshop Warhammer Forum
In regards to the Thundermace, does the phrase "exactly as if the unit had suffered a direct hit by a Strength 4(8) stone thrower" mean that enemy models that are hit are not allowed armour saves and sustain D6 wounds each? Also, per the main rulebook if a shot from a stone thrower lands into a combat and touches models from either side that are fighting, then the players are to work out the number of hits as normal but equally distribute them to both sides. Thus, are hits using the stone thrower template from the Thundermace distributed to both sides in the fighting, or are only the enemy models under the template affected?URL Copied!
As it says in the item's description, friendly models are not affected. All enemy models under the template are potential hits, the number of hits is not distributed amongst the combatants as with a stone thrower hitting a close combat. Enemy models may not take armour saves and take D6 wounds each.
Source: "Sneak Peak" Ogre Kingdoms FAQ from Games Workshop Warhammer Forum
Does Siegebreaker hit chariots automatically, as the chariot itself does not have an Initiative characteristic? Or do you resolve the attack by comparing the WS of the bearer to the initiative of the crew (or character) controlling the chariot?URL Copied!
Resolve the attack by comparing the wielder's WS with the highest I value of the crew.
Source: "Sneak Peak" Ogre Kingdoms FAQ from Games Workshop Warhammer Forum
Do the miscast effects of the Greatskull apply against friendly Gut Magic spells?URL Copied!
No, the entry should read "any enemy spellcaster".
Source: "Sneak Peak" Ogre Kingdoms FAQ from Games Workshop Warhammer Forum
Does the Greedy Fist eat the magical properties of magic close combat weapons used against the bearer on a successful ward save or just armour saves?URL Copied!
Any Saving throw, so this includes Ward Saves. The Greedy Fist's effects only work in close combat.
Source: "Sneak Peak" Ogre Kingdoms FAQ from Games Workshop Warhammer Forum
If an enemy Wizard suffers a miscast from the Hellheart and subsequently rolls a "1" on the Gut Magic Miscast Table, what happens? Does the enemy Wizard suffer the fate of the unlucky Butcher described in the table in this case? Also, do all the other friendly Butchers on the table still take D3 wounds? Or do other enemy Wizards take the D3 wounds instead?URL Copied!
The enemy wizard is destroyed, and all Butchers take D3 wounds. Such are the rewards of those who truck with Chaos.
Source: "Sneak Peak" Ogre Kingdoms FAQ from Games Workshop Warhammer Forum
Are wizards that ignore miscasts (e.g. a Fourth Generation Slann) required to roll on the Gut Magic Miscast table if they miscast while the Hellheart is in play?URL Copied!
No, they are immune to its effects.
Source: "Sneak Peak" Ogre Kingdoms FAQ from Games Workshop Warhammer Forum
If a unit of Ironguts is selected as a Dogs of War unit, may they choose a magic standard? If yes, may they select it from the army they are being included with? For example, if selected in an Orcs & Goblins army, may they select the Banner of Butchery? Or, may a unit of Ironguts selected as a Dogs of War unit select a banner from the Ogre Kingdoms book?URL Copied!
A single Irongut Dogs of War unit per army may select a magic banner from the Ogre Kingdoms or Common magic item lists as described in their entry.
Source: "Sneak Peak" Ogre Kingdoms FAQ from Games Workshop Warhammer Forum
Does the Ogre Bulls entry in the Ogre Kingdoms book replace the Ogres entry in the Dogs of War list? If not, may Dogs of War Ogres utilize the Bull Charge rule?URL Copied!
No and No. Dogs of War players may use either their normal entry or those noted as Dogs of War in the Ogres army list.
Source: "Sneak Peak" Ogre Kingdoms FAQ from Games Workshop Warhammer Forum
The Brutish Hordes special rules state under "reminders and clarifications" that wounds on rank and file Ogres and Ogre champions need to be kept track of separately, as wounds are not carried over to one another. Does the phrase "as wounds are not carried over to one another" also apply to the situation where excess wounds are caused on the rank and file Ogres and the excess would normally be applied to the champion (as he is also still considered a rank and file model for this purpose)?URL Copied!
No, it does not - wounds are carried over in this case.
Source: "Sneak Peak" Ogre Kingdoms FAQ from Games Workshop Warhammer Forum
May Chaos Ogres utilize the Bull Charge rule?URL Copied!
Source: "Sneak Peak" Ogre Kingdoms FAQ from Games Workshop Warhammer Forum
The rules for Skrag the Slaughterer, state that Skrag MUST be accompanied by at least 2 Gorgers. Does Skrag form a unit with these two Gorgers (similar to how a Hunter forms a unit with the Sabretusks)? Do these two Gorgers deploy as normal troops and start the game on the tabletop?URL Copied!
No, they do not form a unit. They deploy as normal for Gorgers.
Source: "Sneak Peak" Ogre Kingdoms FAQ from Games Workshop Warhammer Forum
As Greasus Goldtooth and Skrag the Slaughterer are mounted on larger bases than 50mm square, the main rules seem to indicate that they may be singled out as targets for shooting and magical attacks. Is this correct?URL Copied!
They may be singled out and cannot claim a "Look out Sir" roll.
Source: "Sneak Peak" Ogre Kingdoms FAQ from Games Workshop Warhammer Forum