Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 6th Edition

Lizardmen - Frequently Asked Questions
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What is the correct description for the Stegadon's Giant Bow?

"Giant Bow: The giant bow is a Bolt Thrower, using all of the rules for Bolt Throwers on pages 124-125 of the Warhammer rulebook with the following exceptions: The giant bow is fired using the Skinks" Ballistic Skill, and inflicts a single S5 hit thi that does D3 wounds. The giant bow can move and fire, although it can only fire in the arc of sight of the Stegadon itself. It takes two crew to fire the giant bow (so two Skinks can't throw javelins if they are crewing the giant bow). As the Stegadon is a large target, the giant bow may shoot over normal sized models and interposing terrain that large targets can see over."

Source: Lizardmen Army Book page 31 / Warhammer Chronicles 2004 page 126

What is the range of the Stegadon's Giant Bow? Do you get Armour saves against the Giant Bow. or is it treated like a Bolt Thrower (and so no Armour saves would be allowed)?

The giant bow is a bolt thrower in all respects, except it can move and fire, and has a different Strength. Use all the rules from the Bolt Thrower section of the Warhammer rulebook (p. 124-125).

Source: Warhammer Chronicles 2004 page 120

Are blowpipes considered Thrown Weapons, i.e. do they benefit from the no over half range penalty or no move and shoot penalty?


Source: Anthony Reynolds - Warhammer Design Team (Online Q&A on the Games Workshop Warhammer Forum)

When a Terradon unit voluntarily flees from combat and rolls high enough to flee off table, can they still rally and come back on next turn?

No. If they flee off the table (even voluntarily), then they cannot come back on.

Source: Anthony Reynolds - Warhammer Design Team (Online Q&A on the Games Workshop Warhammer Forum)

If Terradons throw their javelins do they get S4 (on their profile) or do they get S3 because the skink only has S3?

Strength 4.

Source: Anthony Reynolds - Warhammer Design Team (Online Q&A on the Games Workshop Warhammer Forum)

Does the "Predatory Fighters" rule imply that one of the two Saurus Attacks is made without a weapon bonus? Temple Guard have 2 Attacks but not the Predatory Fighters rule, so does it mean that they have 2 Attacks, both with the halberd bonus? What about characters?

Predatory Fighters, simply put, is only meant for Saurus armed with spears, and says that the second rank has only 1 Attack. In all other cases, use the Attack value indicated, and that's why Temple Guards and characters do not have this rule.

Source: Warhammer Chronicles 2004 page 119

How does the Kroxigor's rule "Skirmish Screen" work with Skink units that are in combat already? Can you charge through them as well? Also, can Kroxigors charge through units of Skink Cohorts, or Horned One Riders?

Kroxigors can only charge through Skirmishers (hence the name Skirmish Screen). They can't charge through ranked up units, and can't charge through skirmishers that are engaged in combat at all.

Source: Warhammer Chronicles 2004 page 119

Can a Skink with the Scout ability scout if it is mounted on a Stegadon or a Horned One?

No. A Skink may only scout if it is on foot.

Source: Warhammer Chronicles 2004 page 119

If I field a Skink Character riding a Stegadon, may I take stubborn break tests using the leadership of the Skink character?

Yes. The army book states "Stegadons AND THEIR RIDERS are stubborn". If a stubborn character is part of a stubborn unit the unit may utilize the stubborn character's leadership value for break tests.

Source: Lizardmen Army Book page 31 / Rulebook page 85

Can a Lizardmen player store unused magic dice in the Diadem of Power before the Vampire Counts" magic item the Black Periapt, steals an unused dispel dice or power dice?

The only differences between these two items is that the second allows you to save and store one dice from either players dice pool and the first allows you to save and store two dice but only from the Lizardmen player's dice pool. Neither says they happen before the other. This is a case of an "irresistible force" vs. an "immovable object". In other words, roll a D6 each time there are unused dice by the Lizardmen player to see which player gets to store dice first.

Source: Rulebook page 43 / Lizardmen Army Book page 55 / Vampire Counts Army Book page 51 / Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

How does the Venom of the Firefly Frog effect great weapons and the HW and shield combo? Is it affected by Crom's special skill?

In this particular case, all the normal bonuses of the mundane weapon are retained " this is an exception to the norm.

Source: Anthony Reynolds - Warhammer Design Team (Online Q&A on the Games Workshop Warhammer Forum)

Where can I find the rules for Lizardmen Sacred Hosts?

In White Dwarf Magazine.

Source: December 2004 Issue of White Dwarf Magazine (US #299 / UK #300)

Can a Skink with the Blessed Spawning of Huanchi (move through woods) and the Cloak of Feathers fly through woods?

No. The normal flying rules are not nullified.

Source: Warhammer Chronicles 2004 page 119

Do Blessed Spawnings affect ridden creatures as well as the rider?

They are not affected except where noted (Blessed Spawning of Chotec).

Source: Warhammer Chronicles 2004 page 120

Why does the Blessed Spawning of Huanchi (move through woods) cost 20 points for a character? They can move through woods already for free if they are alone!

Units can only be joined by characters with the same Blessed Spawning. So if the characters during a game wanted to join a unit with Blessed Spawning of Huanchi, he would have to be blessed the same way.

Source: Warhammer Chronicles 2004 page 119

If a character has Charm of the Jaguar Warrior (so, on foot) and Blessed Spawning of Chotec, how many dice does he roll when pursuing?

He rolls an extra dice than normal, so would roll 4 dice and choose the highest 3 (ignore the referance to being mounted).

Source: Anthony Reynolds - Warhammer Design Team (Online Q&A on the Games Workshop Warhammer Forum)

What if I declare a challenge to a unit with a Slann inside? Can he take the challenge? What if he refuses?

Slann are not meant for combat and, unless he is in the fighting rank, he cannot issue or refuse challenges. If he is in the fighting rank, he may issue and accept challenges as normal.

Source: Warhammer Chronicles 2004 page 119

How is shooting or casting a spell at a Slann inside a Saurus unit resolved? For shooting, do you choose the Slann or the unit, or do vou randomise? Is the +1 to hit (large target) for the Slann only, or does it apply also to the unit because the Slann is in it? As for magic, you could target the Slann (large target) while the unit is not visible to the caster... does a spell that affects a 'unit' affect the Slann and the Saurus then?

As the Slann is a different size from the models around it, it can be targeted separately. The +1 to hit only applies if shooting at the Slann. This equally applies for magic missiles - and as the Slann is a large target, he might be able to be seen when the unit is not. If the unit the Slann is with consists of less than five models, then missiles aimed at the unit itself could potentially hit the Slann - they are randomised as normal.

Source: Warhammer Chronicles 2004 page 119

Can a Slann use items that are for 'models on foot only'?

No. He is not a model on foot!

Source: Warhammer Chronicles 2004 page 119

According to the Warhammer rulebook a Character that isn't placed in the front rank is effectively out of play and may not use any magic items, nor may the unit use his leadership. How does this affect a Slann Mage-Priest placed in the second rank?

A Slann Mage-Priest in the second rank is considered to be in the front rank for all purposes, except that it does not participate in combat (including issuing / accepting challenges) and it does not count as being in combat for purposes of its own spell casting and use of magic items.

Source: Warhammer Chronicles 2004 page 120 / Lizardmen Army Book page 24 / Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

Can a second generation Slann cast a spell without using a dice from the dice pool and just use the "free" dice?

No. The dice is extra "after the dice have been rolled" indicating that the number of dice used to cast the spell initially cannot be 0.

Source: Warhammer Chronicles 2004 page 119

What is the correct way to handle the Second Generation Slann's "Free Dice"? Can he always use it, or only if a spell is successfully cast (i.e. the casting value is reached), first?

It can always be used. Change the first sentence of the second paragraph under "Second Generation" on page 49 to: "Every spell attempted by the Slann...."

Source: Gav Thorpe - Warhammer Design Team

If you have 2 Slann Mage-Priests in your army, but only 1 Temple Guard unit, must both of the Slann Mage-Priests be placed in the lone Temple Guard unit?

No. If multiple Slann Mage-Priests are included in a Lizardmen army that includes only one Temple Guard unit, then only one Slann Mage-Priest must join the Temple Guard unit. The remaining Slann Mage-Priests may join other Lizardmen units or be fielded on their own. If a Lizardmen army includes multiple Slann Mage-Priests and multiple units of Temple Guard, then one Slann Mage-Priest must be placed within each Temple Guard unit with any excess Slann Mage-Priests being allowed to join other Lizardmen units or be fielded on their own.

Source: Anthony Reynolds - Warhammer Design Team (Online Q&A on the Games Workshop Warhammer Forum) / Lizardmen Army Book page 25 / Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

Can you cast spells like Flaming Sword of Rhuin on a Slann?

Yes. Since it is the Skink attendant who is assumed to fight, it is imagined that the flaming sword will appear in the Skink's hands!

Source: Warhammer Chronicles 2004 page 120

How does the Casket of Souls effect a Slann in a unit of Temple Guard or Sauruses ? Both can normally be targeted seperatly, and in some cases the Slann may have line of sight while the unit do not.

Test separately for each. The unit may use the Slann's Ld though.

Source: Anthony Reynolds - Warhammer Design Team (Online Q&A on the Games Workshop Warhammer Forum)

How are Salamander Hunting Packs aligned with the enemy in close combat? Is the Lizardmen player allowed to move the Salamanders into contact with the enemy models and push the Skink Handlers to the rear?

Note that Salamander Hunting Packs do NOT have any special rules which state that the Salamanders push to the front of the fighting in close combat. Therefore Salamander Hunting Packs follow the same close combat alignment rules as all other Skirmishing units. This means that when a Salamander Hunting Pack charges an enemy unit it must maximize the total number of models it can bring into base to base contact with the enemy. This will generally result in the Skink Handlers at the center of the fighting rank and a Salamander in corner to corner contact with the enemy at each end of the fighting rank. When a Salamander Hunting Pack is charged by an enemy unit, the same principles apply with the exception that the enemy must move into base to base contact with the closest skirmisher (Note that a defending unit of Skirmishers must also maximize the models moved into the combat). If the closest skirmisher is a Salamander, then three Salamanders can generally be placed in the fighting rank. If a character is attached to the Salamander Hunting Pack refer to the Direwolf Skirmishers FAQ for additional guidance.

Source: Lizardmen Army Book page 29 / Rulebook page 116 / Warhammer Chronicles 2004 page 123

Is Salamander Spray a Fire Attack or not? The description is unclear whether it's fire or acid.

The special rule is called "Spout Flame". Yes, it is flaming!

Source: Anthony Reynolds - Warhammer Design Team (Online Q&A on the Games Workshop Warhammer Forum)

Do Salamanders need a BS roll to hit or does their ranged attack hit automatically?

They hit automatically, in the same manner as a Ratling Gun and a Volley Gun.

Source: Warhammer Chronicles 2004 page 119

If I purchase multiple Salamander Hunting Packs as a single Rare Choice, does each pack operate as a separate unit or do they form into one large unit?

Unlike some prior versions of the Lizardmen army, Salamander Hunting packs purchased as a single Rare Choice form into one large unit. Note that the unit size is indicated as 1-3 Hunting Packs.

Source: Lizardmen Army Book page 64

When the Salamanders eat Skinks due to Misfire results, does it force the Salamander Hunting Pack to take a panic test if it causes 25%+ casualties?

No test required.

Source: Anthony Reynolds - Warhammer Design Team (Online Q&A on the Games Workshop Warhammer Forum)

If one Salamander in a unit of three Salamanders loses its three Skink Handlers, but there are still six Handlers for the other two Salamanders left in the unit, does that Salamander have to roll on the Monster Reaction table?

No. So long as the unit has at least one Skink Handler still in it, the Salamanders remain under control. If that last Skink dies, then the entire unit makes a single Monster Reaction test.

Source: Warhammer Chronicles 2004 page 119

How do you give victory points for Salamanders pack (reduced to half size)?

This goes by number of models. So if there are 3 Salamanders and 9 Skinks in a unit, the enemy will get half victory points if seven models are removed (be they Skinks or Salamanders).

Source: Anthony Reynolds - Warhammer Design Team (Online Q&A on the Games Workshop Warhammer Forum)

The Salamanders cause fear. Do you also count Skinks for the Unit Strength of fear-causing creatures?


Source: Anthony Reynolds - Warhammer Design Team (Online Q&A on the Games Workshop Warhammer Forum)

Can each Salamander in a pack fire at a different target or do all of them have to shoot at the same target?

They all must shoot at the same target, as they are one unit.

Source: Anthony Reynolds - Warhammer Design Team (Online Q&A on the Games Workshop Warhammer Forum)

If all the Skink Handlers die and you pass the Ld test for the Salamanders, do you keep the control of the Salamanders?


Source: Anthony Reynolds - Warhammer Design Team (Online Q&A on the Games Workshop Warhammer Forum)

Is a Skink Hero mounted on a Horned One considered to be a Fast Cavalry Model (i.e. can it march and shoot, move after a successful feigned flight, etc.)?

Yes. The Horned Ones ridden by Skink Heroes specifically states that they are Fast Cavalry.

Source: Lizardmen Army Book page 74

Can a Skink hero buy a bow in the Southlands list?

Oops. Yes, they should be allowed a poisoned short bow for +10 points.

Source: Anthony Reynolds - Warhammer Design Team (Online Q&A on the Games Workshop Warhammer Forum)

Do you get the benefit for +1 Strength with Kroq-Gar's Revered Spear of Tlanxla if he charges on foot (if Grymloq is slain)?

All the effects of the magic weapon are from it being magical. So yes.

Source: Warhammer Chronicles 2004 page 120