Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 6th Edition

Hordes of Chaos - Frequently Asked Questions
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Can I have a daemonic character in my mortal army even though its Leadership value is higher than my mortal General's Leadership value?

No. Chaos armies are not exempt from the main rule that the character with the highest Leadership value must be the General.

Source: Gav Thorpe - Warhammer Design Team / Hordes of Chaos Army Book page 55 / Rulebook page 102

Can daemons use the Chaos General's Leadership value for Instability tests?

Yes they can. From Page 102 of the main Rulebook "Any unit within 12" of the General model may use the General's Leadership value instead of its own when making a Leadership-based test..." On page 29 of Hordes of Chaos while discussing Instability tests it states "Roll 2D6 and compare this to the daemons' Leadership value, with no combat resolution modifiers..." Nowhere in Hordes of Chaos does it state that the General's Ld value may not be used and in fact the specific wording used by the design team (as shown above) makes it clear that daemons may use the Ld value of the General for Instability tests.

Source: Hordes of Chaos Army Book page 29 / Rulebook page 102

Does a Chaos Battle Standard Bearer allow daemonic units to re-roll Instability tests?

No. Daemons don't get the benefit of the Battle Standard Bearer re-roll due to the instability test *not* being a break test (Instability test is made instead of a break test).

Source: Gav Thorpe - Warhammer Design Team / Hordes of Chaos Army Book page 29

Can Chaos characters join unmarked units such as Marauders and Chaos Hounds?


Source: Gav Thorpe - Warhammer Design Team / Hordes of Chaos Army Book page 46

If a character with the Mark of Chaos Undivided joins a unit of Marauders, can that unit then re-roll failed psychology tests?


Source: Anthony Reynolds - Warhammer Design Team (Online Q&A on the Games Workshop Warhammer Forum)

What are the sacred numbers of the four gods of Chaos?

Slaanesh: 6; Nurgle: 7; Khorne: 8; Tzeentch: 9.

Source: Warhammer Sourcebook (3rd Edition) Realms of Chaos - The Slaves of Darkness pages 16, 17 / Warhammer Sourcebook (3rd Edition) Realms of Chaos - The Lost and the Damned pages 14, 32 / Warhammer 40,000 Codex: Chaos Space Marines page 38

What happens if a unit of Tzeentch Screamers makes a slashing attack on a unit that does automatic hits, like a Night Goblin Fanatic?

Both units inflict and take damage. In the example of the Fanatic, the Screamers take D6 S5 hits and simultaneously each do a S3 hit on the Fanatic.

Source: Warhammer Chronicles 2004 page 118

What is the unit strength of a Chaos Warhound and are Chaos Warhounds a ranked unit?

Chaos Warhounds have a unit strength of 2 each and as they are not classified as "Fast Cavalry" they do receive a rank bonus.

Source: Hordes of Chaos Army Book page 28 / Warhammer Chronicles 2004 page 114

Are each of the heads of a Chaos Dragon allowed to pick a different target? Or is the model bound by the normal rules for shooting?

It is bound by the normal rules for shooting. If there is a unit which can be reached by both breath weapons, the Chaos Dragon cannot Divide Shots. Otherwise (i.e., no unit can be reached by both breath weapons) the Divide Shots rule applies and the breath weapons can attack different targets.

Source: Rulebook pages 61, 114 / Hordes of Chaos Army Book page 61 / Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

Where can I find the rules for Mounted Daemonettes?

In Warhammer Chronicles 2004.

Source: Warhammer Chronicles 2004 page 36

Do Tzeentch Flamers move separately?

Yes they do. On page 40 of Hordes of Chaos change the wording "After that they are free to move as they like, and they count as a separate unit for the rest of the game" to "After that they are free to move as they like, and EACH counts as a separate unit for the rest of the game."

Source: Hordes of Chaos Army Book page 40 Warhammer Chronicles 2004 page 126

Can Flamers hurt fire immune units (Dragon Princes..) in close combat?


Source: Anthony Reynolds - Warhammer Design Team (Online Q&A on the Games Workshop Warhammer Forum)

Can flamers stand and shoot?


Source: Anthony Reynolds - Warhammer Design Team (Online Q&A on the Games Workshop Warhammer Forum)

Does a character on a Daemonic mount benefit from its immunity to psychology?


Source: Warhammer Chronicles 2004 page 118

Can a mortal Chaos character mounted on a daemonic steed join a unit of daemons?

No. Only a mortal character with the Chalice of Chaos (which makes him a daemon) may join a unit of daemons. Non-daemonic models may not join a daemonic unit.

Source: Gav Thorpe - Warhammer Design Team / Hordes of Chaos Army Book page 29

Can a mortal Chaos character mounted on a daemonic steed join a mortal unit?

Yes. A daemonic steed may be joined to a mortal unit, as long as the mortal chaos character riding the steed is alive.

Source: Gav Thorpe - Warhammer Design Team / Hordes of Chaos Army Book page 29

When a mortal Chaos character mounted on a daemonic steed and joined to a mortal unit is killed, what happens to the daemonic steed?

At the end of the phase in which the mortal Chaos character is killed, the daemonic steed is separated from the mortal unit (you might like to place him 1" away to make sure this is clear). If the daemonic steed is involved in combat when the character is killed, place it so it remains in base to base contact with the enemy. In addition, remember to take a Slain Rider test and generate a Monster Reaction if the test is failed.

Source: Hordes of Chaos Army Book page 29 / Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

If an enemy unit is fighting against two Chaos units, one with Cloud of Flies and one without, does the enemy unit suffer a -1 to hit only the unit with Cloud of Flies or both?

Both. The rule states "Any unit in close combat with one or more models with a Cloud of Flies suffers a -1 modifier on rolls to hit."

Source: Hordes of Chaos Army Book page 49

Can the Spell Breaker Gift be used to dispel a "remains-in-play" spell in a subsequent turn?

Yes it can.

Source: Gav Thorpe - Warhammer Design Team / Hordes of Chaos Army Book page 48

Can you put both "Unliving Idol" and "Master of Mortals" on a Daemonic character?


Source: Anthony Reynolds - Warhammer Design Team (Online Q&A on the Games Workshop Warhammer Forum)

Can a mortal character with the Chalice of Chaos purchase Daemonic gifts since he becomes a deamon?

No. He can still get other mortal magic items though.

Source: Anthony Reynolds - Warhammer Design Team (Online Q&A on the Games Workshop Warhammer Forum)

When using the Staff of Change, may I re-roll the dice used to cast or dispel a spell one at a time?

No. Per the Errata printed in Warhammer Chronicles, the bearer can make a single re-roll of one or more dice rolled to cast or dispel each spell.

Source: Hordes of Chaos Army Book page 52 / Warhammer Chronicles 2004 page 126

How do you resolve a combat where the attacker is entitled to re-roll missed hits (e.g. Hatred) and the defending Chaos character is wearing the Armour of Damnation (which forces the attacker to reroll all successful hits)?

The attacking player rolls to hit and re-rolls misses. Then the defending player makes the attacker re-roll all successful attacks.

Source: Warhammer Chronicles 2004 page 118

If Gaze of the Gods turns my Khorne Lord into a Chaos Spawn, is it a Bloodbeast of Khorne or just a normal Chaos spawn?

Just a normal spawn (not that any spawn is really 'normal'!)

Source: Warhammer Chronicles 2004 page 118

What mounts can a character take if he has the Chalice of Chaos?

The character may ride on a Chaos Steed or a Daemon Steed, but may not ride a Chariot or a Dragon of Chaos.

Source: Anthony Reynolds - Warhammer Design Team (Online Q&A on the Games Workshop Warhammer Forum)

If casting the Tzeentch spell Green Fire on a unit of swordsmen can the caster freely choose what equipment the combat is fought with? To specify can it be cast on a unit of Empire swordsmen that then elect to only use their hand weapons not using the shields?

The caster chooses which weapon to attack with. The Swordsmen will defend themselves as best they can though, so they would use their shields. However, if a unit was armed with halberd and shield, the caster may choose for them to attack with the halberd, so they could not use their shields to defend with, as they are using a two-handed weapon.

Source: Anthony Reynolds - Warhammer Design Team (Online Q&A on the Games Workshop Warhammer Forum)

Do spells from the Lore of Tzeentch (which are all named as a different color of fire) count as "Fire" attacks?

No they do not. None of the Tzeentch spells include the wording "This is a Fire attack and causes double damage against flammable targets" as pure flaming spells do. This was confirmed via the High Elf Q&A for Dragon Armour which states that models with Dragon Armour are NOT immune to Tzeentch spells.

Source: Beasts of Chaos Army Book page 78 / Warhammer Chronicles 2004 page 117 / Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

If the Tzeentch spell Indigo Fire is cast upon a unit of skirmishers, where are Horrors placed? It is normally in contact with the front rank, but skirmishers obviously do not have a front rank.

They are placed against the skirmishing model closest to the caster.

Source: Anthony Reynolds - Warhammer Design Team (Online Q&A on the Games Workshop Warhammer Forum)

The Titillating Delusions spell. May an affected unit still declare charges against units in line of sight but not on the line designed by the spell? What about frenzied units who are forced to declare charges when possible? If a unit is affected, is it considered "immune to psychology", or can psychology effects alter their movement? Can you choose to flee from a charge, away from the direction nominated by the spell? If you cast a magical movement spell or incantation at an affected unit, can you freely choose the direction or are you forced to move the unit in the direction given by the Delusions spell?

The thing affected by the spell is the unit's voluntary movements: all voluntary movement, including those that result from a spell or incantation, even charge declarations, have to be made in the direction given by the delusions spell. This includes the voluntary direction that Spawn and Pump Wagons move in. However, the affected unit is not Immune to Psychology, and all compulsory movement still obeys its own rules (compulsory charges, failed terror tests, etc.). The unit can still flee a charge, but will still be affected by the spell as soon as it regains its freedom of movement.

Source: Anthony Reynolds - Warhammer Design Team (Online Q&A on the Games Workshop Warhammer Forum)

Can a unit be affected by the Slaanesh spell Luxurious Torment several times, thus suffering additional damage at the start of each turn?


Source: Anthony Reynolds - Warhammer Design Team (Online Q&A on the Games Workshop Warhammer Forum)

Does Luxurious Torment effect mounts?


Source: Anthony Reynolds - Warhammer Design Team (Online Q&A on the Games Workshop Warhammer Forum)

If the target of the spell Delectable Torture is riding a monstrous mount or a chariot, does he attack his monstrous mount or chariot?


Source: Anthony Reynolds - Warhammer Design Team (Online Q&A on the Games Workshop Warhammer Forum)

Where can I find the rules for the Hordes of Chaos character, Crom the Conqueror, Herald of Archaon?

In Warhammer Chronicles 2004.

Source: Warhammer Chronicles 2004 page 78

Does Crom the conqueror nullify combat "skills" not given by a weapon? For example, killing blow for Executioners, Blood Dragon Vampires, or High Elf Swordmaster characters.

The rule say that you treat the model as having a mundane hand weapon, so all other effects not dependant on the weapons are still there.

Source: Anthony Reynolds - Warhammer Design Team (Online Q&A on the Games Workshop Warhammer Forum)

In Archaon's Horde, do Warriors of Chaos get free upgrades if they number 16 or more models in a unit. Does this apply to Chosen units also?

Yes, as they are still Warriors of Chaos.

Source: October 2004 Issue of White Dwarf Magazine (US #297 / UK #298)

In a regular Mortal Chaos army, the Hellcannon can be taken as a 0-1 rare choice and takes up 2 Rare slots. What are the restrictions for taking Hellcannons in Archaon's Horde?

In Archaon's Horde, the 0-1 restriction is removed. They still take up two Rare slots, however.

Source: October 2004 Issue of White Dwarf Magazine (US #297 / UK #298)

Can the Hellcannon fire normally if it moved? Can it Spew Ichor if it moved?

War machines cannot move and shoot. However, when the Hellcannon Rampages, it IS allowed to Spew Ichor, as noted in the special rules for the Hellcannon.

Source: October 2004 Issue of White Dwarf Magazine (US #297 / UK #298)

If a Hellcannon charges a friendly unit, should that unit take a Terror test?


Source: October 2004 Issue of White Dwarf Magazine (US #297 / UK #298)

If a Hellcannon misfires and a six is rolled on the Misfire chart, all wizards on the table are affected. Does this affect Warrior Priests, Tomb Kings and the like?

No, only models that are explained as working as wizards - so Liche Priests will be affected, but Warrior Priests and Tomb Kings will not.

Source: October 2004 Issue of White Dwarf Magazine (US #297 / UK #298)

How are Victory Points worked out for the Hellcannon?

The Hellcannon is a war machine. However, for such an expensive model that can continue to cause damage after its crew has been destroyed (albeit sometimes to its own side), we decided that Victory Points should be awarded in a slightly different way than normal. If all the crewmen are destroyed, the enemy gets half the Victory Points for the unit. If the Hellcannon itself is destroyed, then the enemy gets the full Victory Points for the unit, even if the crewmen are still alive.

Source: October 2004 Issue of White Dwarf Magazine (US #297 / UK #298)

Can the Hellcannon be spiked like a normal war machine?


Source: Phil Kelly - Warhammer Design Team

As the Hellcannon is classified as a Large Target, if there is a friendly unit between it and an enemy unit (blocking the Hellcannon crew's line of sight to the potential target) may the Hellcannon still fire or must the crew be able to see the potential target?

The Hellcannon rules specify that it fires in exactly the same manner as a stone thrower with the only exceptions listed related to special affects of the hit. The stone thrower rules in the main rulebook specify that they do not need to see their specific target, but they MUST see that there are enemy in the direction they are firing. This is confirmed in the 2002 Annual War Machines article. Therefore, if the line of sight of the crew to enemy units is completely blocked by a friendly unit, then the Hellcannon may not fire.

Source: Storm of Chaos Book page 17 / Rulebook page 120 / Warhammer Annual 2002 pages 18, 19

In a Daemonic Legion, do Flesh Hounds count toward the minimum Core unit requirement, or not, as in the Horde of Chaos book?

They do count as a Core unit in a Daemonic Legions list, though not as a True Core unit.

Source: October 2004 Issue of White Dwarf Magazine (US #297 / UK #298)

Be'Lakor has only five of the six Dark Emissary spells listed as available to him. Is this correct?

Yes. These are the five spells that he uses in battle.

Source: October 2004 Issue of White Dwarf Magazine (US #297 / UK #298)

Can the Screamers pulling a chariot of Tzeentch perform a slashing attack?


Source: October 2004 Issue of White Dwarf Magazine (US #297 / UK #298)

In a Daemonic Legion, the spell Yellow Fire of Transformation is fairly useless, as the Daemons already get a ward save. Should we treat the effects of Yellow Fire in the same way as the Diabolic Splendour gift? What about the Blasted Standard?

In both cases (Yellow Fire and the Blasted Standard), treat them in the same way as Diabolic Splendour.

Source: October 2004 Issue of White Dwarf Magazine (US #297 / UK #298)

In a Daemonic Legion, the spell Yellow Fire of Transformation is fairly useless, as the Daemons already get a ward save. Should we What happens when a Daemon with the Diabolic Splendour gift casts Yellow Fire of Transformation? Does Yellow Fire of Transformation still effect the whole unit? Does the Daemon generate a 3+ ward save?

Yellow Fire of Transformation has been rewritten for the Daemonic Legions as a way to cast Diabolic Splendour as a spell as noted in the Q&A (printed in White Dwarf) above. Diabolic Splendour only affects the Daemonic character to whom the gift has been given (Storm of Chaos page 27). Hence Yellow Fire, when successfully cast, will only affect the Daemonic caster. Also note that the effect of multiples of the same gift is not cumulative (Storm of Chaos page 27). Since Yellow Fire is effectively Diabolic Splendour as a spell, if the Daemonic character has Diabolic Splendour gift already, casting Yellow Fire will not increase his ward save past 4+. This also means that the Blasted Standard, when carried by a Daemonic Herald, will only affect the Herald and will have no effect on the unit he is attached to. Note that the Unholy Icon which gives the unit carrying it a 4+ ward save is not the Blasted Standard and rules for the Unholy Icon do not affect the way that the Blasted Standard works.

Source: Storm of Chaos Book page 27 / October 2004 Issue of White Dwarf Magazine (US #297 / UK #298) / Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

Has the 0-1 limitation on Screamers been removed in the Daemonic Legions list?


Source: October 2004 Issue of White Dwarf Magazine (US #297 / UK #298)

If you give a Daemonic Herald the Mark of Khorne, he gains a 6+ armour save. If you also give him the Armour of Khorne, does he get a 4+ save or is it cumulative (so that he gets a 3+ save)?

The effects are not cumulative. Thus, a Herald with the Mark of Khorne and the Armour of Khorne will have a 4+ armour save.

Source: October 2004 Issue of White Dwarf Magazine (US #297 / UK #298)

Being cavalry, do the new Daemonic mounted units get +1 to their armour save for being mounted?

Mounted Daemonettes, Changebringers, Plagueriders, Pleasureseekers, and Bloodcrushers are all cavalry and thus gain +1 to their Armour Save. Note that this is already included in the Bloodcrushers" 5+ Armour save.

Source: October 2004 Issue of White Dwarf Magazine (US #297 / UK #298)

Can a Daemonic Legions army hire Dogs of War / Regiments of Renown units?

No. Dogs of War / Regiments of Renown are not listed as an option in the Daemonic Legions army list. In addition, note that in the standard Hordes of Chaos book an army led by a Daemon may not hire Dogs of War (Regiments of Renown) units either.

Source: Storm of Chaos Book page 31 / Hordes of Chaos Army Book page 55 / Anthony Reynolds - Warhammer Design Team